Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
I said sword, not hood of car.

completely different type of modeling in the two.

I use box modeling mixed with some spline modeling, I'm guessing you're modeling by setting points and making polygons, or manipulating a plane into the shape you want, correct?

the points thing yes, but i can only guess that the box modeling/spline modeling has to do with manipulating points into what model you want, correct?
Originally Posted by Brain112 View Post
the points thing yes, but i can only guess that the box modeling/spline modeling has to do with manipulating points into what model you want, correct?

Box modeling is normally used for 'rough draft' modeling to get the idea of general shapes and proportion.

In regards to your work, it's hard to tell this early on with just the hood, but my first impression would be that I'm not sure C4D is the right program for the job. Most people that I know that model cars (nearly the entirety of use 3dsMax or ZModeler because of their polygonal based modeling.

If you want something possibly easier and quicker, try Rhino 3d. It's NURBS modeling, which is a very interesting method. It's what I've been using lately for most of my current projects.
Originally Posted by Brain112 View Post
the points thing yes, but i can only guess that the box modeling/spline modeling has to do with manipulating points into what model you want, correct?

more or less.

In C4D, it's more about first manipulating extrudes, or points, then manipulating hypernurbs, to get the correct sharpness where you want it. For swords at least.
Former Item Forger
Stup, you should try out Rhino if you do that much to create a sword. In Rhino, it'd be a couple interpolated lines and a loft command or two. *done*
I've completely spline modeled a sword in c4d, with loft nurbs and splines.

it's a lot more work then necessary :P
Former Item Forger
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
If you want something possibly easier and quicker, try Rhino 3d. It's NURBS modeling, which is a very interesting method. It's what I've been using lately for most of my current projects.

:O *is interested and will show results when done testing*
also, stup, i made an SD card coz i was bored, it was made from one box :D
EDIT: tried it, and i must say that the program seems cool, but its not working right no my pc, this keeps happening at random to my viewports
Last edited by Brain112; Jan 4, 2009 at 12:41 AM.