Originally Posted by Tashie View Post
I'm not gonna be like all the other dumb newfags that like to say things like
How du I pley the game , etc, blablabla, because I have just about 0-1% interest ingame, I just like forumss.
Just a few simple questionss.
Is there ranks for amount of posts you have on the forums?
(for people with mediocre gfx ability),
Basically yes, the postcount affects your status. 1-49 posts = Junior Member, 50-499 Member, 500-1499= Senior Member, +1500 = ub3r

Is there renders for the robot things or whatever their called(the robot thingies ingame, like the "main character/characters" i think)I kinda wana do some gfx art with themm (:, dont rly wana cut out a whole render just for 1 thing
I just wana practice my gfx and see if I can make anything good ;]
I'm moderately good at gfx i guesss, not like a noob but i can do everything and make good sigs/backgrounds/etc, but I'm not like SUPER PRO at it.
I don't really know wat you mean by that. You mean, use Tori & Uke pictures ? Take screenshots with F8.

Is there a list of the whole entire staff?
Click on this link :
The Local Board mods aren't in the list. Check out the different boards to see them.

Do they actually answer u in pm, unlike alot of websites?
Most of them yes, since they are very active.

If some don't, couldd someone tell me? ;o, i don't really wana waste time waiting for a answer.
Don't worry about this. As I said, most of them are active.

Is there a way to add individual people?(i know part of this not all, could someone tell me howw ;x )
Buddies list ? Yes. Go to the User CP, and under "Networking", press "Contacts". Add them manually. You can also see if they are connected, and add them instantly to your Buddies list.

Thats it for now I'm pretty suree, sry if I'm asking too much ;x
Alsooo 1 last thingg, if I figure out how/if you can add individual people, add me or I add u ^^

Basically, everything is answered in red.

Welcome, & don't post with undescriptive topic title next time

Thanks ;)
I think he/she is talking about textures when "renders for the robot things" are metioned if so look at some tutorials that explain what can be customised on a tori and how it can be done if you need any help with it, feel free to PM me.

She's not, she clearly said she had no interest in the game.

What she's talking about are renders, cut-outs from screenshots.
A note, the actually important admins aren't shown on the forum leaders list, you just have to know them. Alpha-Team is just there to manage everything, the admins so far are the only group who've decided to significantly change the forums.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!