Original Post
I'm new to thiss site and I have just a few questions (:
I'm not gonna be like all the other dumb newfags that like to say things like
How du I pley the game , etc, blablabla, because I have just about 0-1% interest ingame, I just like forumss.
Just a few simple questionss.
Is there ranks for amount of posts you have on the forums?
(for people with mediocre gfx ability),
Is there renders for the robot things or whatever their called(the robot thingies ingame, like the "main character/characters" i think)I kinda wana do some gfx art with themm (:, dont rly wana cut out a whole render just for 1 thing
I just wana practice my gfx and see if I can make anything good ;]
I'm moderately good at gfx i guesss, not like a noob but i can do everything and make good sigs/backgrounds/etc, but I'm not like SUPER PRO at it.
Is there a list of the whole entire staff?
Do they actually answer u in pm, unlike alot of websites?
If some don't, couldd someone tell me? ;o, i don't really wana waste time waiting for a answer.
Is there a way to add individual people?(i know part of this not all, could someone tell me howw ;x )
Thats it for now I'm pretty suree, sry if I'm asking too much ;x
Alsooo 1 last thingg, if I figure out how/if you can add individual people, add me or I add u ^^
Last edited by Tashie; May 5, 2009 at 10:45 AM.
Haiii, I'm Natasha ^.^
Sryy for wat I did previously ;[ , I hope we all become friends (:
1.ToriBash is very simple.

You create your own moves in Toribash. Or Copy moves from ToriBash Wiki. Its better though to create your own moves.

2.About the Gfx, I don't know.

3. Art is not my thing so, got no answer for that.

4. Here. THIS is a DATED list of forum leaders.

5. What do you mean by " not answering someone's PM"?

6. Welcome to ToriBash.

One last thing, I suggest you improve your grammar.
Last edited by Numb; May 5, 2009 at 10:57 AM.
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
1.ToriBash is very simple.

You create your own moves in Toribash.

2.About the Gfx, I don't know.

3. Art is not my thing so, got no answer for that.

4. Here. THIS is a DATED list of forum leaders.

5. What do you mean by " not answering someone's PM"?

6. Welcome to ToriBash.

One last thing, I suggest you improve your grammar.

Well thank youu Aspire (:
i think i remember u from previous thingss, not rly sure
Anyways, back on topic
for number 5 what I meant wat that on alot of forums, the higher up mods/admins choose not to answer new people/people they don't know.
I was just wondering if that was what they do here too, because I don't wana waste time pm'ing them if they won't answerr mee.
Oh and @ the end, I'm not really trying super grammar nazi or anything, its just casual typing.
I could type alotttt worse if you wanted me to ;)
edit:WOWW you have alot of modders ;]
i have to remind myself not to do anything stupid to get banned :[
Haiii, I'm Natasha ^.^
Sryy for wat I did previously ;[ , I hope we all become friends (:
umm... it really depends on what will you ask. If you are reporting someone because they broke a rule INGAME, then they will answer you. But if you PM them example just for YOU to become a Super mod/Admin, they will ignore you.

What are modders?
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
umm... it really depends on what will you ask. If you are reporting someone because they broke a rule INGAME, then they will answer you. But if you PM them example just for YOU to become a Super mod/Admin, they will ignore you.

What are modders?

well i don't play ingame, most likely never will(not sure yet).
i meant
for just like regular talk or w.e
i wana make friendss with them and make up for my bad deeds ):
& modders i guess is my word for moderators? o;
Haiii, I'm Natasha ^.^
Sryy for wat I did previously ;[ , I hope we all become friends (:
Originally Posted by Shin-Ryuu View Post

Thank you for the oh so helpful post (:
& yes ik what their calledd
Haiii, I'm Natasha ^.^
Sryy for wat I did previously ;[ , I hope we all become friends (:
Originally Posted by Tashie View Post
well i don't play ingame, most likely never will(not sure yet).
i meant
for just like regular talk or w.e
i wana make friendss with them and make up for my bad deeds ):
& modders i guess is my word for moderators? o;

hmmm.... thats a hard one. Well you can get to know people faster by downloading IRC. Here is a perfect tutorial about it.

P.S. I also joined that FrugooSoft Forums thing... For Fun.

I can help you ingame. type /join aspire

it will lead you to a server room.
Originally Posted by Aspire View Post
hmmm.... thats a hard one. Well you can get to know people faster by downloading IRC. Here is a perfect tutorial about it.

Ooo Thankies, I already knew about the irc for this from like 6-7 months ago when i was forced to use it.
Haiii, I'm Natasha ^.^
Sryy for wat I did previously ;[ , I hope we all become friends (:
F8 takes a screenshot in-game and also creates a pov-ray file. You can use Pov-ray to render the basic model. I'm not sure if anyones been able to apply textures to them yet.

What do you mean gfx art? In-game textures, or editing game screenshots? You can earn toricredits(tc) by such services or by winning competitions for gfx. You can then sell the tc by pay pal for $$. Takes quite a bit of effort to make it worthwhile though.

For example: