Nope, still doesn't.
Compare the planet from tutorial to the first planet in his original image.
That one has actual detailed continents which complex coloring that are impossible to make with a couple of buttons in photoshop.

It doesn't surprise me that mooman doesn't have his .psd saved though...;)
If he actually did draw every single continent there by hand he would valued this work enough to save .psd file.
Last edited by Odlov; Jun 27, 2009 at 02:09 AM.
Bah, I'm gonna defend moo here.
you can go to google images to get a texture, you can take a picture of something yourself or you can do it yourself using photoshop

He said himself you can make it yourself with brushes, which you could make a continent with. I asume he used the picture to finish the tutorial faster... Hey mooman any chance you can make a new "continent" filled planet with a psd, I'd bet on mooman but all I have is a measly 3k.
that wasn't the origional bet... but i still can. because i took enough time to turn it into a pattern. i used grunge brushes, abstract brushes and a shit load of filters.

i can send you the pattern if you want (its only a very small portion of the planet)
Last edited by mooman1994; Jun 27, 2009 at 04:07 AM.
Ok, that looks legit enough.

My mistake ;)
Sending tc.

PS: The planet looks realistic apart from the misshapen misplaced shadow which doesn't correspond to alleged light source.
Last edited by Odlov; Jun 27, 2009 at 04:31 AM.
still a little too blurry for me, man. you're also getting the shading wrong. the blue and the black give it almost a tennis ball-like shadow. it should be half shadow, half light, with a little transition between the two
I love you

is that more along the lines of what ur thinking?
but i'd also like to point out that the sun is not directly above the planet
Last edited by mooman1994; Jun 27, 2009 at 08:53 PM.
i know that about the sun, but what i mean is, the shadow doesn't reach all the way across in the first one, and now it does, but it isn't inline with the sun. here's what i mean

also, the land masses look better, but they look like they're dissolving into the water. make the lines clearer, and maybe add some atmosphere to it (this could get pretty hard). dont make it all green either. give it some other terrain, too. example:
Last edited by mikotaku; Jun 28, 2009 at 12:18 AM.
I love you
YAY for photoshop tutorials!
went through the whole planet making phase aswell when i started out, then i got bored...
heres a piece a friend of mine worked on, once he had been through the tutorials on it...
pretty much the same idea that u used, just more in depth
made using photoshop and some other shit called terragen or something, cant remember

the main thing with yours, is use less blurry effects, work bigger, and work in more detail.
i find google images - rusted metal gives good results
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
i agree with miko for the shadowing but the glow around the planet itself (while is a nice touch : P) is a bit overthetop. while it is good you put a glow it is alot bigger then it should be, look at the photo miko placed in his last entry, the planet does have a glow but it is much more subtle... other then that your doing great keep it up ^.^