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[IMG] custom planet
this is something i made on photoshop, it is not a picture of any existing planet. rate plz.

Attempt #2 still did not make the background so don't ask plz T.T, sized to fit my monitor sorry if you have to scroll a whole bunch.

attempt #3, this one was 100% my work, background and all.

Tutorial on how to make one of these planets:

step #1: make a new photoshop document (at least 900x900)
#2: make sure the background is black

#3: make a circle the same color that your planet is going to be.

#4 make two other circles the same size and color them black. call the colored circle "base" and the two other circles "atmosphere" and "shadow" make sure the shadow layer is on top. disable shodow layer and background layer.

#5 add an inner and outer glow to the atmosphere layer. the color should be a lighter color than you base, in this case a light orange. play with it till it feels right. set the blending type of atmosphere to screen.

#6 heres the tricky part. you can do one of three things. you can go to google images to get a texture, you can take a picture of something yourself or you can do it yourself using photoshop. for the sake of time conservation i will use google images.
http://www.cosmosvacations.ca/Common...anyon_park.jpg (the image i used)
fill the circle in your base layer with the texture by cloning, brushing, blowing up etc.

#7 use the Spherize filter then trim the texture to fit the circle. mine is blurry cos it was a small image.

#8 make the shadow layer visible and add a powerful gaussian blur. place the new shadow opposite of where your light source will be. and make you background layer visible. and merge all layers but the background.

#9 create a new layer, fill it with balck and set the blending option to screen. Add a lense flare for your sun.

#10 finished product! (try making ur own background)

if you decide to make one post it here i wanna see it
Last edited by mooman1994; Jun 27, 2009 at 01:49 AM.
the space is vary nice - the planet is blurry though - the shadow is unnatural the red dot looks like a......red dot. otherwise not bad. 7.5/10
I love you
Space looks like you just took some random google image, the planet itself is very blurry, and has like 90% Water ;o Well, your planet.
good call on that google image lol, im making a nebula myself right now... kinda hard.... as for the planet it is blurry, you are right. this was just my first attempt i plan on making more. ty for the C&C
Why is there a lens flare...

The fact that you just randomly filter raped the image with a lens flare makes me think you didn't paint this at all.
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Nothing personal, but I'll bet you didn't draw that planet and space in photoshop.

I'll apologize if you can prove me wrong by showing a few snapshots of different steps, or even posting a downsized .psd file.
the last one is good because i was all your work. exchellentay jorb mooman - im expecting good things from thou
I love you