Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I dont mind when they kick me. I just grab their leg, but if I can't at that exact moment then I just keep my other hand back and wait to grab their waist or legs later in the match. It works very well for me since its harder for them to control me if I grab anything below their arms.
[Urban] | Ormo | Team Sambo

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Originally Posted by Constipate View Post
well...i was playing akido last night...i got a streak of 19 using kicks...

On beginner servers people haven't learned to counter yet. If you would play on a blackbelt server you would loose your streak fast.
Yeah i see alot of kicking too, when it is more simple to just grab, instead of a hard kick that makes you lose your balance and lose.
<Jarmund>puta keppario
Cogito ergo sum
Ex-Tori Agent | OBT Member | [Reaper] | A.k.a. void/prada
Originally Posted by Dodekus View Post
On beginner servers people haven't learned to counter yet. If you would play on a blackbelt server you would loose your streak fast.

Well, once i got a 11 streak using kicks.
I kicked 75% the way through semi-pro. Once I learned my opener kick, I won a whole lot more games. I kick with my left leg and grab with my right. If the opponent moves just right, I'll fracture his shoulder or his right glute, maybe his right knee.
If that doesn't happen, the opponent is usually doubled over in the air and I have pretty good control over him because his feet aren't within reaching distance of the ground. I keep my right leg anchored on the ground at all times, twisting my chest and adjusting my right glutes and hip accordingly.
If my opponent doesn't grab my leg, I still have good control over him by extending my left hip and knee and twisting my body to throw off his calculations.

Now that was all in Semi-Pro. I just got to blackbelt and learned that my kick wasn't doing the best job there. I've only played about 25 games in a blackbelt server, so I haven't had much time to come up with a new one.

So basically, kicking is pretty effective throughout Semi-Pro. And I got a 25 kill streak with kicking. Could have gone higher but I decided to lose and call it a night.
Openers are really like strategies in sports, like running the option in football. If you're good with it, you'll do well. If not, people will beat you over the head with it and it'll be useless.
So, ummm. You guys should grab their leg when they try to kick you....I'm pretty sure thats the easiest way to counter a kick shovel....

Oh, and all moves are counterable. Don't complain about any particular one.





Get over it.
Better yet...

Counter it:

Judo: Try to split them. This will most likely get your head out of the way.
Aikido: Grab their kicking leg. This will most likely keep you in the ring with the person.
Wushu: Backwards Heli. This will move you out of range of their rush move, but you will still be able to hit them in the 2nd turn.
Kickbox: Grab their kicking knee. It will most likely dm it or stop the kick from hitting you.

All moves are counterable. All you need to know is how.
Last edited by IceShadow; Dec 2, 2009 at 12:43 AM.

Its not as if theres a specific way to play.
Thats why hampa made the game how it is, so everybody can make there own moves and you dont get stuck pressing 'x' for kick and 'z' for punch
bring back wibbles
Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post
So, ummm. You guys should grab their leg when they try to kick you....I'm pretty sure thats the easiest way to counter a kick shovel....

Oh, and all moves are counterable. Don't complain about any particular one.

When I get my leg grabbed, extending my kicking leg and contracting my kicking knee and twisting my body will usually throw them off balance anyways. I've had my kicking leg (and glute, usually fractures it) grabbed enough to learn a counter for that counter. But yes, all moves are counterable and I found that out rather quickly once I got into blackbelt aikido.