Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by shook View Post
I think winter is pretty cool. (no pun intended)
Chucking snowballs at each other is a blast (until you get nailed in the face or balls), and if you've just had heavy snowfall + an ice storm, you get a thick layer of snow covered in ice. :D
Also, skating around on a frozen lake is hella fun. Cold, but fun. Unless the ice cracks beneath you.

One thing i really dislike about winters, however, is the dark mornings. It's basically impossible to get out of bed at 7:30 AM when it's dark like that.

Same without the last part about light.

I love winter, the most fun season.Skiing, Snowball fight/wars , Snow storm (FUCK I LOVE EM')...
Centuries Of Damn
I love winters. My favourite season by far. That's prolly because I spent my optimal snowfight years in central Europe, where a catastrophic call-for-military-help (seriously only the military had plowing equipment -.-') amount of snow is anything that completely covers the roads since the geniouses have substituted some of the normal signs on a pole with ones painted on the roads. That, and nobody knows that pouring boiling water on the windshield isn't going to defrost it, let alone have ever head of studded tires.

Hell, people here (Finland, home sweet home) think I'm crazy for not angsting about winter. That is, snow, cold, and dark. Not that we had that anymore, not in that order that is. As Teurastaja pointed out, the three or four winters here, too, have been wetter than some summers, for hell's sake.

Still, what I would love is the typical, proper winter. I love the feeling of cold air on my skin (I have a rule of thumb, higher than 10 Celcius below zero doesn't count as cold, I take the trash out in a t-shirt until it gets colder), and seeing my breath. Like a lot of people said, it's only possible to cool down by stripping for so long, but you can always 1up your clothing.

What I love doing is just being outside, if there's snow, it's just so beautiful anywhere there's a source of lights. I even like the look of a "sad" suburb "downtown" (not that of a town, but similar) with the shop lights and shiiz. I wish there were more people like me, so that we could gather round sometime and have the snowfights I never had. with these winters, though, we'd have to travel to the frikkin Himalayas to find some snow.

I almost wish I believed in a god that directly influenced everything so I could curse him to hell (assuming I believed that too) and beyond for robbing me of my winters :<. Now I'll just have to resort to cursing the capitalist shits who seem to be causing this with the co2 and co. emissions, but even that I can't be sure of, with all this conspiracy garbage going on too.

I refuse to grab.
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When you live in Norway, there's no way around it, so I just take it as it comes. Even though I don't live too far north, it gets pitch dark and incredibly cold here. The cold record here is 50,4 celsius minus (But it was really 51,8. Officiality sucks), and in January, we have half an hour of sunlight a day.

So well, it's alright, but I dislike having to wrap myself up in six layers of clothing to go to the shop. Also, another thing I dislike is that it takes forever to bike to school in knee-high snow. But without a bicycle, there's no way to get there in time. Gettng up earlier is not an alternative.

And for Dbuhos who said blizzards were nice: Think again. Ice cold snow flakes and strong wind makes it feel like you're being whipped in the face.
Last edited by aslask; Nov 29, 2009 at 03:39 PM.
Well winter sucks in the morning but is quite decent in the afternoon/evening. I just love to stroll through the christmas market.
And you are always prepared for a hot round of Strip Poker.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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winter... hate... doesnt get cold enough here to warrant a new wardrobe... and i get soooo over wearing hoodies...

much more of a short and tshirt/shirt man...
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Originally Posted by aslask View Post
When you live in Norway, there's no way around it, so I just take it as it comes. Even though I don't live too far north, it gets pitch dark and incredibly cold here. The cold record here is 50,4 celsius minus (But it was really 51,8. Officiality sucks), and in January, we have half an hour of sunlight a day.

So well, it's alright, but I dislike having to wrap myself up in six layers of clothing to go to the shop. Also, another thing I dislike is that it takes forever to bike to school in knee-high snow. But without a bicycle, there's no way to get there in time. Gettng up earlier is not an alternative.

And for Dbuhos who said blizzards were nice: Think again. Ice cold snow flakes and strong wind makes it feel like you're being whipped in the face.

Maybe for you :3 I like the feeling, but whit this asshole global warming I doubt that there will snow here in Romania.
Centuries Of Damn