Hm, what? Ok, seems that its allright...Hm... You didn't recolored it right? Well actually you did... Its the same head but with different colors...Didn't liked it.
Make something original, k?
Hair is ok, but make original, and the phones are too big, eyes are not real...
But the rest is fine. You have until 19:00P.M GMT.
okay, i have to go in 30 mins. working on head as we speek and im trying to add on to the hair but it didnt turn out the way i wanted, so i dont know if im going to make the head in time. happy easter.

ok if theres still time, this is an update head,

any changes?

if broken:
Last edited by jordenc; Apr 4, 2010 at 07:27 PM.
A lot of time. Only one change: Make that "border" of the hair darker. Your head is about to win dude =) Ah and the left eye, well, remove that hair.
The head now is awesome.
almost done
Edit: this is my ending product for the request, unless you want me to put more detail somewere.
Last edited by Hagan; Apr 5, 2010 at 07:03 AM.
Jordenc won, his head was the way I liked.
noscd5335, didn't liked your head, the phone is weird, and the colors of it should be reversed.
hagan103 your head is cool, but, as I said before, Jordenc won