Made the face more hobo like. Haven't been able to roughen up the hair though, I'm not quite sure what I should do with it. But I feel like it's coming along nicely.

This looks perfect, add some shades to clothes and you're done!
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Originally Posted by Urbish View Post
Made the face more hobo like.]

Now we're talking! I don't think it's really good, but it's okay-good. The hands and feet suck, tho. You should make them. I mean, make them with details and all.

Also, do you make this for the player named "hobo"?
Feet are in the making. Will work on hands later. Thanks for the feedback!

And no it's not for Hobo haha

Edit: Added toes to the feet. They look kind of eh, and mapping feet is a bitch... any tips on how I could improve them?

Added new screenshots to the main post with the intention of more changes to come.
Last edited by Urbish; Apr 16, 2013 at 02:51 PM.
Ahhh, I so could've bought this, but I already found a set that I like.
The big toe looks way too big. If you look at your foot, you'll notice that the big toe only takes up something like two-sixths of the width. The other toes are pretty much all the same size, little bit over half the big toe. The pinkie toe is smaller then the rest. Add toenails as well, it'll look weird without them.
Fade the beard and eyes to the skin, it should be blended better. And yes, the toes should be proportioned better.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
And btw, talking about the beard, u should also make it bigger coz it seems to be just a line - so extend the beard till the neck or something
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Okay so what I will be working on today will be: fixing the feet, adding hobo gloves to the hands, and hopefully a thumb if I can figure out how to map it, and "perfecting" the beard.
dont like the eyes look like he was punched and got to black eyes...they should be dark bags not complete circles...the torso and shiz should be like a blue jean jacket...ive never seen a hobo in a green T shirt...and yeah hands feet that stuff...texture to the beanie...thinker and longer beard...rugged dirty hair...

but i like it
I agree with all your other points, but I'm pretty sure a hobo is allowed to have a T-shirt, I mean T-shirts aren't expensive or anything...