You didn't fill out why you would like to join Sacred. After you do that I'll vote.
Star Wars Nerd - Fallout Hoe - Science Kid

Uninjaz- too unexperienced (come back when you get better), No replays, and not a very good application, its a no from me

NerfPls- your app could use some work, its kinda poor. Enjoyed the replays, you have potential in various grappling mods, such as aikido. Your pretty good for a black belt, and i say yes

huehuem8- "I'm pretty lazy, I'll do it if I must" Not something you would want to say in a application it really lowered your chances with me :/, Decent app (could be better.) "I can't upload replay's through this sack of shit I call a computer" - At least try to be a tad bit formal in your app. Have you tried uploading the replays into the Replay thread? Replay section? or shared it with us? Until we see replays and until you say why you want to join i'm at a strong no.
Last edited by matarika; Apr 3, 2014 at 03:54 AM.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
my application
Location-USA, Alabama
Speak any other languages?-a tiny bit of Latin and French, I also can read music, if that counts
Past clans-not officially i was almost in one(XLR but we disbanded because of leadership issues
Why you left them-
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)-a good 6
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)-9 i try to play everyday
What can you offer to [Sacred]?-i don't have much in the way of computer skills but in-game i'm pretty good(if i do say so myself) and i make most of my own moves
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?-it seems to be a growing clan and i feel like it would be a good experience to be apart of
Alts/Name changes (Multi-claners not allowed!)- Decyph3r2
Know anybody here?-i met twat, but we're not friends, or anything
Why should we accept you?-i feel like i would be a great addition to your clan and i will contribute to your cause in any way i can
Usercard(optional but highly recommended)

Replays http://forum.toribash.com/replay.php?download=20668

Decyph3r- i gonna have to say no, the replays were not that good :/ i was not impressed. Come back, when you get more experience.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297
to matarika
I would like you guys to see one more replay of mine that encompasses the range of my skill as of right now, please give it a chance. I respect whatever decision you make.
Name- LunarSoul
Age- 15
Belt- Green
Gender- Male
Location- Cavite (Philippines)
Speak any other languages?- I Can speak (Above average,But i wouldn't say very fluent.) English,I also know a little bit korean.
Past clans- FrazeBash
Why you left them- They were too inactive,plus they weren't really doing anything but recruiting more and more people.
Forum activity rating- 7/10
In-game activity rating- 6/10
What can you offer to [Sacred]?- I Have skills in Drawing(Digital and Artistic) which i could use to make Banners,Textures,and other stuff.
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?- I Hope to find more experience,Skill,and friends in this clan.
Alts/Name changes- None
Bans/infracments?- None
Know anybody here?- Backstabber (He was accepted(?) in my knowledge)
Why should we accept you?- Although i dont have great skill in toribash,i still can get out of tight situations and manage to win.I Can also contribute by making free Textures which are Exclusive to our clan,TC-wise i cant really give much but i do hope you can accept me.

Replays- None(yet). But i could make one if you request some.

:Accept me or not,i do respect your decision,but i do hope you accept me since i do think there are a lot of experienced and very skilled players in your clan who could share their knowledge with me and in return,i would also share mines with them.Good luck on recruiting more players!
Last edited by LunarSoul; Apr 5, 2014 at 10:19 AM. Reason: Added readability