Original Post
(S)acred Recruitment

Originally Posted by Matarika
All apps with out replays are auto-denied

Speak any other languages?-
Past clans-
Why you left them-
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)-
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)-
What can you offer to [Sacred]?-
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?-
Alts/Name changes (Multi-claners not allowed!)-
Know anybody here?-
Why should we accept you?-
Usercard(optional but highly recommended)-

Example of a GOOD application

Example of a BAD application

Good luck to all applicants.
Last edited by Master; Apr 15, 2014 at 12:16 AM.

Name- My name is John Woodcock
Age- I am 15 year's old, I do come off as childish some times though.
Belt- I am a 2nd Dan black-belt, I am hoping to further improve my belt; My QI is 2699
Gender- Male
Location- England
Speak any other languages?- No, but I am trying to learn German I would say it's coming along gut (Puns)
Past clans- Well, I have had a long history of clans I'm not very proud of however, don't get my wrong I'm not a clan Hopper. I'll see if I can remember from timeline, Godz, Cry (Later known as Yipsilon), Beta, Dick (Later known as vagina), Then anon.
Why you left them- Well, most of them where to do with the inactivity of people, however Godz I did not really fit in with the people: They turned out to be utter Jerks
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)- 10, I check the Forum everyday however I don't post unless I need to or if there is something interesting to state.
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)- 9, I do play everyday but sometimes I feel like I'm not playing as long.
What can you offer to [Sacred]?- Well, I can help in wars and such despite this I am trying to grow my art skills.
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?- It seems like a good clan that I can see really blooming in the future, also it would be good to see 'Master' Build the community by first hand.
Alts/Name changes (Multi-claners not allowed!)- I don't have an alts, also no name changes.
Bans/infracments?- No, however, I have been warned for a ''useless post'' However I felt it was not that unnecessary.
Know anybody here?- No, as I said I would like to see a community bloom and on the way Make more friends.
Why should we accept you?- Hmm, I guess I should convince you with this application.
Usercard(optional but highly recommended)- I don't know how to post these, sorry.
Replays. Will post replays in a minute.
<Smiles4Fre> Why quote yourself, losers.
Application Form
Name- Allen
Age- 13
Belt- Brown
Gender- Male
Location- Region 4 (CALABARZON), Philippines
Speak any other languages?- Aside from my native language, I speak English
Past clans- Speedcore Terror
Why you left them- I didn't really leave. The clan leader decided to close the clan because of inactive members.
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)- 9
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)-9
What can you offer to [Sacred]?- I sometimes get hit by creativity and write poems. I also make replays, alot of them. I also do a little photoshop
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?- I want to join because I liked how a clan can be like a family.
Alts/Name changes (Multi-claners not allowed!)- Domo117 (alt)
Bans/infracments?- N/A
Know anybody here?- None so far
Why should we accept you?- I'm not really the greatest player ever but I can assure you that I wont let you down
Usercard(optional but highly recommended)-
Attached Files
ST4B - The Kiss of the Rain.rpl (290.8 KB, 9 views)
ST4B - Drabblenaut.rpl (154.5 KB, 9 views)
ST4B - Aftermath.rpl (243.8 KB, 8 views)
ST4B - Arbiter of Tartarus.rpl (196.1 KB, 8 views)
ST4B - Joyful Sadness.rpl (151.8 KB, 8 views)
Heart of Gold
Nice app, replays are sorta good, Could use some work, I'm neutral.
Last edited by Master; Apr 2, 2014 at 09:41 PM.

Name- Alfred
Age- 19
Belt- 2nd dan, my previous account is 4th but I don't use it in-game. I should have game experience of about 6k matches.
Gender- Transsexual. I'm male actually, sorry for my stupid joke.
Location- North Europe, Estonia, GMT +2
Speak any other languages?- Well, besides my mother language Estonian and English I also know a little bit German and Russian.
Past clans- Diamonds and a few others but they are not really worth mentioning at all.
Why you left them- I was kicked from D for "multiclanning". I saw the situation a little differently than they did and we had a discussion on that topic on their thread so if you are interested in seeing it, I can find it for you.
Forum activity rating (1 out of 10)- I usually check forums multiple times a day as studying and working on computer allows me so I believe it's somewhere near 7
In-game activity rating (1 out of 10)- 7 as I play almost every evening.
What can you offer to [Sacred]?- Umm, I have some minor image manipulation (photoshopping skills), I have made signatures for some clans that were based on a game called Deadfrontier. And I use image manipulation for sketching and doing mock ups for gun smithing projects and 4x4 build projects. I believe that under some circumstances my photoshopping skills might become useful to you.
Why do you want to join [Sacred]?- I haven't been in a clan for a while and it's getting kind of dull playing alone all the time.
Alts/Name changes (Multi-claners not allowed!)- I do have an account that I only use for posting on one very inactive clan (it's TSS, you can check it out here) and it in my opinion doesn't count as multiclanning.
Bans/infracments?- Yes I once had a 5 day ban.
Know anybody here?- Unfortunately no but I hope to start knowing you.
Why should we accept you?- I believe that I'm fairly forum and in-game active, and I am willing to contribute some of my free time to this clan.
Why you should not accept me- I do not like people who keep forgetting that this is just a game, people who want to be worshipped (here or IRL), I am quite straight forward and honest. So if you are a bunch of nerds recruiting people to be your "followers" and worshippers, to dictate what they should say etc, don't recruit me.
Usercard(optional but highly recommended)-


I mostly play quick akido and don't focus on replay making at all, but here are 2 replays I captured just to post here.
Mostly I avoid grabbing and try to beat my opponent without lifting. I also value a good game more than winning.
Attached Files
qa1.rpl (68.8 KB, 5 views)
qa2.rpl (55.3 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by 14Wotan88; Apr 2, 2014 at 05:54 PM.
Why were you banned? The whole alts and multiclanning thing makes me skeptical. No from me.

Also, I changed my vote to neutral on backstab.