Endurance Onslaught 6.0
The mind is a body part. It is possible to alter your personality by fucking with your brain. It is possible to enhance your brain activities with drugs, and thus affect your mental abilities. Phineas Gage is a prominent example for that.
I don't know why that is even controversial. It's been proven a long time ago.

But I guess that's another discussion for another time.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
New age hack for religion: DMT + sensory deprivation tank + going to sleep when the sun goes down

Isaac you are always game to try new things, so try these things and tell us how it goes

By the way did you end up getting your tupla to a level where it's always around?

Haha, I would like to trip while in a float tank. The only float tanks out here had a negative review saying it gave them a staph infection, so I've yet to overcome the fear of getting a staph infection to go. I also haven't tried DMT yet. If I went and tripped it'd be on acid. Seems like it'd be difficult to smoke DMT and then get in the tank, from what I've read about the drug.

And I did, in fact! We're about equal now, and alternate days between who's in control. We went even further and made a clone of Terra(the 'tulpa'), and then cloned the good traits from my own ego, and now that's who I 'am'. We've locked away the old ego to try to keep out our old bad habits. It's going to take a while for the neurons to fade away though. Things that would've gotten a strong reaction before, still make thoughts and emotions from the old ego come up, and sometimes it's difficult. But we're on the path to grow, and it gets easier everyday.

We no longer consider Terra a tulpa. She's just another ego, like the one everyone has. We're able to switch easily now, too. It doesn't work like one might think. There's a persisting sense of "I am" regardless of whichever ego we are at the time, and all our memories are shared. When Terra's the dominant ego, the feeling of experience is "I am Terra" and any other thoughts or feelings she has. She can talk to me like I'm a tulpa, and I'll respond how I normally would, but there's no sense of self for me. It's just words and thoughts appearing to her. And I don't have a sense of self, just Terra's sense of self is what's experienced, with thoughts from me. Like I'm being simulated. It's very bizarre. Likewise when I'm in control and she's the background ego. Does that make sense?

Ultimately any ego is an illusion, so we can be whoever we want, and change traits. I've only changed my own though, to further get rid of bad traits from my old ego that I didn't want. Terra was created from scratch, so she's happy how she is, and also as an ego doesn't want to change.

So far we haven't been able to experience no-ego though. There's always thoughts that arise, so it's better to be one of the 2 new egos than try to be no one and end up with bad habit thoughts from the old ego to show up, or default into the old ego. Meditation should help with that.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
The mind is a body part. It is possible to alter your personality by fucking with your brain. It is possible to enhance your brain activities with drugs, and thus affect your mental abilities. Phineas Gage is a prominent example for that.
I don't know why that is even controversial. It's been proven a long time ago.

But I guess that's another discussion for another time.

That would be an interesting discussion ^^ the "mind-body problem" is an old phylosophical & scientific question.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Does anyone here meditate?

I do, though I still haven't made it a regular practice. I try to at least once everyday, even if it's just mindfulness while I do something else. I'm stuck in a egoistic trap of being interested in meditation and eastern religions, but haven't done it nearly as much as I like to read about it..

Well, I'm one of the varieties of people who believe that you can have mild and small psychedelic experiences doing most things: meditating, yoga, sensory deprivation chambers, etc. And having done large amounts of shrooms and LSD myself, I like to meditate when I feel as if I'm delving into a bad trip or if I'm not having too good of a high.
On it's own? Meditation is great for just concentrating on deep thoughts and just feeling at peace.
I specifically remember one of the last time I meditated, I was tripping really hard on robocop and calmed myself down by going outside and just meditating for about an hour.

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Haha, I would like to trip while in a float tank. The only float tanks out here had a negative review saying it gave them a staph infection, so I've yet to overcome the fear of getting a staph infection to go. I also haven't tried DMT yet. If I went and tripped it'd be on acid. Seems like it'd be difficult to smoke DMT and then get in the tank, from what I've read about the drug.

Try shrooms dude, LSD is like looking at the spirit world from a window and shrooms is walking through it. But acid's more cost-effective for sure.

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Ultimately any ego is an illusion, so we can be whoever we want, and change traits. I've only changed my own though, to further get rid of bad traits from my old ego that I didn't want. Terra was created from scratch, so she's happy how she is, and also as an ego doesn't want to change.

So far we haven't been able to experience no-ego though. There's always thoughts that arise, so it's better to be one of the 2 new egos than try to be no one and end up with bad habit thoughts from the old ego to show up, or default into the old ego. Meditation should help with that.

^^ This guy got it, haha.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
Holy shit, things went batshit crazy.
Gonna put that in my signature.

xero, if you agree with that you might wanna let go of acid dude.
Last edited by Redundant; Jul 9, 2015 at 01:08 AM.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Holy shit, things went batshit crazy.
Gonna put that in my signature.

xero, if you agree with that you might wanna let go of acid dude.


Perhaps someday soon, science will fully catch up with more buddhist teachings, (like I said, has been around for thousands of years and already knew about the benefits of meditation while science is just now catching up), and you'll be able to open you mind to the possibility.

If you do your own googling, you'll find studies that show that mindfulness meditation shrinks the 'me' center in your brain.

Making another ego altogether is completely unrelated of course, that's just my own experimentation that ended up really cool. It's only related in the realization that the ego is an illusion.

edit: Here's another example of you not being the thoughts you think you are. http://archive.wired.com/science/dis.../mind_decision
Last edited by isaac; Jul 9, 2015 at 09:48 PM.
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
haha, I think he was just saying people can change their personnality but in a "new age" kind of formulation.

Nope, turns out he is serious about it.
I'd personally prefer if science could catch up to the ancient Greek gods tbh. Zeus always inspired me to change myself into spirit animals to fuck females from any species I desire.
How are you?
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Holy shit, things went batshit crazy.
Gonna put that in my signature.

xero, if you agree with that you might wanna let go of acid dude.

Acid isn't the same as it was back in the 70s and 80s. Ofc it's gonna be made with some random ass chemical shit and it's hard to find pure LSD.
And I definitely cut down on that habit after going to the center of the universe on 4 tabs.
The problem is that it only takes one bad trip to permanently damage you or change you for good. One of my friends took what he thought was 2 tabs - really turned out to be 6 in value - and literally developed schizophrenia. He was seeing dark energies and demons coming after him until last year.
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If there is effort, there is always accomplishment. - Jigoro Kano
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Nope, turns out he is serious about it.
I'd personally prefer if science could catch up to the ancient Greek gods tbh. Zeus always inspired me to change myself into spirit animals to fuck females from any species I desire.

You're not listening. Buddhism is a system for learning about the mind and ending suffering. There's no belief in a god needed. If you take some of the valuable teachings from it, and ignore the pointless stuff, you're well on your way to the end of suffering.

Do you think science invented meditation? You need to do a lot more googling, if so lol.

It seems you're being purposely ignorant to the idea. That's fine if that's what you want, but I even provided you two links and the keywords to get another, which are science based as you wanted.

Here's another link that you might find interesting if you take the time to read it. http://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...me-over-there/

In summary it says that your sense of who you are is more neurological connections which can be changed. You can change that with meditation.

The point of Buddhism is to develop your brain in the way you want to achieve enlightenment. A result of this is losing a large portion of your personal sense of self.

If you want to use 'scientific' terms, then what I am doing is not identifying with thoughts I don't like, and instead identifying with new thoughts and behaviors that I do like. Eventually the neural pathways that caused the negative thoughts weaken and they come up less and less. There's no difference between this description though and the visual description I first gave, as for what's actually happening in the brain.

Originally Posted by xero901 View Post
Acid isn't the same as it was back in the 70s and 80s. Ofc it's gonna be made with some random ass chemical shit and it's hard to find pure LSD.
And I definitely cut down on that habit after going to the center of the universe on 4 tabs.
The problem is that it only takes one bad trip to permanently damage you or change you for good. One of my friends took what he thought was 2 tabs - really turned out to be 6 in value - and literally developed schizophrenia. He was seeing dark energies and demons coming after him until last year.

It's not hard if you know where to look and if you test it beforehand. LSD is LSD, and saying it's different from the 70s and 80s is like saying the Oxygen we have today is different. The only thing now, is that there are a bunch of Research Chemicals that dealers sell as acid because you can get Research Chemicals for $1 a hit. The problem with those is that unlike LSD, you can overdose on certain research chemicals, and people have died from it. Then LSD gets even more of a bad rep because cops just like to use fear mongering so they say "NEW LSD KILLS TEEN" when it wasn't LSD at all. There are no deaths from LSD. The only way in which it's dangerous is if someone with a preexisting condition uses it, or if someone uses it irresponsibly.

If you're saying it was 6 in value, I'd be concerned about that being a research chem. A bitter taste, or numbness of the tongue is a clear indication of that. Not every RC has an effect like that though. Did he experience bitterness or numbness? Always test your acid, and then only do one hit if you're worried still. Another technique is to swallow it because a lot of RCs aren't active if swallowed.

Or just don't do drugs