My GMT:fight435

My best mods: aikido, aikidobigdojo and boxshu.

My favorite mods: aikido, aikidobigdojo and mushu.

My name and age: Jean Elier and I'm 14.

My contact information: I dot have Skype but you can contact me through kik, or text.

My skills are: fighting , I am good at war, and I can help recruit more member to make a better clan.
Your GMT ___ Latin America North
Best mods ___ Normal Mods
Favourite mods ___ Mushu Ninjutsu Judo
Your name and age ___ Yussef Cheaitou 12 Years
Contact information (ex: skype) ___ [email protected]
What are your best skills that can contribute to the clan

I play with fluid moves , i dont like to watch em in youtube and then modifying em as other people innocently does. I think fastly and i think thats big part of things you need in toribash. Doing a comeback is really easy

You must provide 1 single player or 1 multi player replay

I am in my dads house , other state , my pc with all my replays is in Maracaibo , i'll go there in atleast 1/2 months. ( Month and a half x3 )
Last edited by NotBadName; Jul 30, 2015 at 01:40 AM.
Hi guys my ign is Bear, but my real name is Henry. I am 17 years old and my main hobby is skateboarding because I am white aha. I reside in British Columbia, Canada and my gmt is -7. I just started playing this game again after a hiatus of about a year and I feel like having a fresh start with a new clan. I don't have a skype but if you want contact information like my facebook just pm me through the forums.

I usually spend the majority of my time on toribash in singleplayer and I used to be quite decent at making replays, but I am really rusty right now. My favorite multiplayer mod is greykido, but I am fine with playing other mods.

I have had experience in several clans such as [Revenge] back in 2011 under the acc ic0n (I no longer know the pass to that acc lol) and I have been in several unofficial clans. My last clan was (Bomb) and I was a council leader in (Bomb) for quite awhile until I resigned and became inactive.

I believe that I could be a good asset to your clan because I am mature and I will always be down to help in clan wars and events. Anyways thanks for reading peeps and here are some dope replays and a giraffe to end this.
Attached Files
#!Roids.rpl (183.9 KB, 10 views)
#!Walrus.rpl (145.6 KB, 7 views)
#!Rekt.rpl (174.2 KB, 6 views)
#!BOMGO.rpl (74.2 KB, 8 views)
#!Legend.rpl (119.6 KB, 5 views)
My GMT: 8:00 A.M
Best mods: Akido. Mushu Wushu
Favourite mods: Toboggantest1.tbm
My name and age: Joey, 16
Contact information:Phone

my are your best skills that can contribute to the clan: sometimes I suck but I can teach myself very skilled moves
1 single player replay: Boom Bam Boom or probally Bam Boom Bam
Jennifer Stone...
Selena Gomez....

8:00 A.M. is not a gmt
"Phone" is not contact information.
"sometimes I suck but I can teach myself very skilled moves"
^I think that's a valid contribution... being bad... that's new...
I'm not even sure what you meant to do with your replays... nothing useful
The Game Is Broken - Foxy
Your GMT: Eastern
Best mods: Aikido and Greykido
Favourite mods: Aikido, Judo, and parkour
Your name and age: Kari and 15
Contact information: jackal_152 (Skype)
What are your best skills that can contribute to the clan: I'm almost always playing Toribash so I'll be very active in Clan discussion and wars. I can contribute by being another very active and helpful member to add to the clan

Thanks Nublets
Attached Files
Beast.rpl (60.2 KB, 6 views)
woah.rpl (49.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by kari456; Jul 30, 2015 at 01:41 PM.