Original Post
(Future) Future Recruitment

We Are Your Time Machine
Do You Think You Have What It Takes To Travel To The Future?

Before you apply, please make sure you are ready to be a part of a clan
If you apply while in a clan, you will be denied automagically. Yes. Automagically.

You will make a free formed application.
The quality of this app will decide if you are excepted or denied

Your app must include the following

Your GMT
Best mods (Extra points for providing your Mod Rank)
Your name and age
Contact information (ex: skype)
Anything special you could contribute? (Art, events, any specific skills, etc etc)
You must provide 1 single player or 1 multi player replay.

Now, the future may be a difficult concept, but I'm sure you'll adjust eventually

Last edited by Krisp; Sep 28, 2015 at 02:21 AM.
Your GMT: Eastern Time Zone
Best mods:
ABD and Greykido
Favourite mods:
I like all of them, weird ones, fun ones, and normal ones.
Your name and age:
My name is Tommy but you can call me Tom, I am 14 yrs of age.
Contact information (ex: skype) My email is -snip- but my skype remains private until I get to know you guys better
What are your best skills that can contribute to the clan: I can contribute a nice and humurous personality, and a good set of toribash skills
You must provide 1 single player or 1 multi player replay
Last edited by Swosh; Jun 3, 2020 at 05:51 PM. Reason: Guy wanted his E-Mail deleted from the post
Your GMT:
Best mods:aikidobigdojo
Favourite mods:aikido,judo,aikidobigdojo
Your name and age:Ulbert Fülöp. age:14
Contact information (ex: skype):There is no

What are your best skills that can contribute to the clan:I play several characters experienced 3 years.
You must provide 1 single player or 1 multi player replay:There is no.
llo my name is Toby i am 14 years old and i would love to join the clan!`

A little bit about myself
Im Toby i live in the UK i speak little bit of Spanish and Danish however not much. I love to play counter strike global offensive and toribash, these are my main games i play others but im not good at them unlike toribash and cs go :3 I like to play football/soccer when i am bored and dont feel like playing cs or toribash but i spend most of my time on these 2 games, im a kind friendly person i do not bite, im just looking for a clan that can support me and help me get better as a toribash student!

My "career" in toribash

It all started when the simple citizen Toby found out that he could fight. He learned that you could fight your way to fame. Toby quickly learned that he would have to work hard if he was to make his mark in the Community of Toribash though, He got crushed time and time again. He fought Black Belts and they ridiculed him. He thought he would never rise. He got beat down until he could get no lower. Then he started to study the ways of fighting. He trained and trained. He finally reached the rank of Brown Belt. He joined a new clan that took him in. He became friends with the people of that clan and became a 2ND Dan . Unfortunately the clan fell apart. He left the clan with sadness in his heart. After some time he joined the clan Blast . He stayed there for some time, but he didn't feel that it was the right clan for him. So Toby created a clan of his own with the help of Robbie that lasted for a short time.Robbie felt that he fit in better elsewhere and so Toby said goodbye. Toby decided To Apply for Past.

What i would like to Achieve before i stop playing video games.

I would like to get into the clan and become a 10TH DAN and have fun while trying to reach my goal it will be nice even if i dont get accepted just to play with you guys?

Age: 14
GMT: +00:00 London
Skype: toby.torres2
Email: -snip-

What do i offer?

I offer a fun time while playing toribash, you'll never get bored when playing with me i pwomise <3 i can also spar with other members , however im still quite new to sparring so i hope to learn a few things off the more advance meembers in the family, we can also play other games when you/we dont want to play toribash for whatever reasons it would be nice to know the members on a more personal level. I am a respectful person, i will be nice to you as long as you are nice to me, like Eminem once said: "i dont care if your black, white, gay, lesbian, bisexual, tall, short, skinny, fat, if your nice to me ill be nice to you simple as that"

I am 8/10 Forum active
and 9/10 in game

I hope you can take my application into consideration
Thank you for reading. Here is A few replays

Yours sincerely Toby
Attached Files
Gg clan match.rpl (55.1 KB, 4 views)
Gg clan match 1.rpl (58.1 KB, 7 views)
save doe.rpl (98.7 KB, 5 views)
riperinos.rpl (30.4 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Karmaaa; Jul 27, 2015 at 05:00 PM.
You have been denied.
Automagically. Using real magic

Milk you are accepted
now that you have made your app
free formed

Toby is Accepted. easy.
Even if your app seems just a little bit like a
"Copy Paste" app
The Game Is Broken - Foxy