Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Hyde
Completely untrue. Societal pressure does not only apply to transgenders. Plenty of demographics have been under tremendous societal pressure, yet don't have near 50% suicide rates. Gays have never had suicide rates that high, neither have blacks, untouchables in india, etc. Not even close. I'm not saying societal pressures don't exist, but it's not responsible for transgenders having the highest suicide rate out of any demographic.

First of all suicide I cant find any suicide rates for trans-gender, and in the link you supplied above
this is all that was available on this, so I dont know where youre getting your suicide figure of 50% from. I also found this http://www.sprc.org/sites/sprc.org/f...LGBT_Youth.pdf
which gives some interesting figures, I will ignore the higher risk section as that would clearly be an unfair test however:


All of these studies contradict what you said about LGB having much lower suicide rates, they range from the 50%s to the 30%s even the studies around 30% can't be considered as much less as remember, according to you: "5-10% is largely negligible", right?

Have you ever considered that maybe believing you're a different gender is actually quite damaging to someone's mind? It isn't a rational thought. Do you regularly look at yourself in the mirror to affirm your gender? It isn't normal.

On this point, gender dysphoria is not believing you are another gender. "Gender dysphoria is a condition there is a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity."

Gender identity is not the gender you believe you are in reality, its what you identify yourself as, i.e. Person X knows they are a man but believes they should be a woman.
So the condition is not what you believed.
To bring this back on topic to the thread, I will talk about Trans-gender people rather than people with gender dysphoria.

the others are conditions which can cause 1. Murder

5-10% is nothing compared to nearly 50%. It's largely negligible. Besides, we treat schizophrenics as best we can, we don't accommodate them and confirm that yes indeed michael jackson told them to kill osama bin laden.

Have you even read your own source? "we treat schizophrenics as best we can". Sentence 1 of your source you used as evidence:

We may as well also take this figure into account http://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/g...ia-and-suicide
So suicides + homicides ((5 - 10)+(20-40)=25-50) which gets you up to your magic 50 number which I dont know how you got

2. Death from excessive weight loss and malnutrition
This article was before any major research was done on gender dysphoria. Back then, anorexics had the highest suicide rate out of any demographic. They did not die because they starved themselves, as the article confirms, they commit suicide due to self hatred(commonly occurring theme with everything involving suicide. The way to help anorexics isn't to forcefeed them as you imply by saying that. You treat them by providing them with therapy and understanding why they feel that way, before helping them feel differently.

Anorexia treatment almost invariably comes in 2 parts, mental and physical, also:
"Almost 50% of people with eating disorders meet the criteria for depression." So clearly a large proportion of these deaths are not from depression as you suggested

So it turns out, most deaths are due to a multitude of reasons, heart problems appear to be as large a killer in this case as suicide.

3. Suicide.
And why exactly is that? Could it possibly be for any of the reasons I described above?
This hurt my brain, its a separate condition I dont understand what reason of the above you could possibly mean?

No suicide from gender dysphoria is directly attributable to it, if you still disagree, please explain how believing you should be the opposite gender cold lead to a suicide.

^^^^ you also still didnt explain that ^^^^^
Last edited by SmallBowl; Jun 6, 2015 at 01:11 PM. Reason: Formatting
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
So why would a depressed person ever take shit from society and sleep late in mornings and then procrastinate most of the day, while still feeling discomfort in doing so, rather that getting out of his/her comfort zone, taking his/her chances and chasing goals?

As somebody with severe Major Depressive disorder, I understand it because I have watched countless others deal with it and I have seen how depression cripples you. If your depression is bad it can and most likely will rob you of your self confidence, your self worth, your hope (hopelessness) your dreams, your mental stability and sound of mind. It causes unimaginable weight loss/gain and it makes you hate your body for it. I sleep late in mornings, procrastinate most of the day, hate myself for it and then end up confused and very resentful. Afterward take it out on myself. If you would like to continue this, I would prefer to do it via PM.

I think the point Hyde is trying to get across is that dysrophobia can cause severe depression and anxiety related issues. This is because of the fact that it is a mental illness, and often time mental illnesses can trigger other mental illnesses. Severe anxiety/depression on top of dysrophobia most certainly would not be fun, and would be extremely confusing to deal with on top of your gender confusion.
Last edited by Aracoon; Jun 6, 2015 at 03:12 AM.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
Then you and I have different views on therapy.
To me therapy regarding mental illnesses is only necessary when a person is unable to function socially. As soon as the person is capable of functioning again and possesses the means to be happy it's time to stop therapy.
There is no reason to stop someone from changing their gender if that's what they want after all other options have been proven to be inefficient to reach the goal of happiness.

I appreciate your ability to quickly google some sources to support your point. What I don't appreciate is that you are not capable of telling how valuable those sources are.
Individual cases are hardly relevant.
Particularly the study you provided is laughable. Of course transgender people have a higher mortality. They have a lot of problems to integrate into society, are inherently mentally unstable and suffer from all sorts of problems in general.
You should also look up a study about mortality rates of people who want a sexchange but don't get it, or people with any sort of mental disorder for that matter. You will find that most or even all of them have increased mortality rates.

Uh, sounds like your idea of therapy doesn't even coincide with your own idea of therapy...

If they have so many problems and are prone to kill themselves, then they are clearly not functioning.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
The more you talk the less sense you make.
Belonging to a demograpic with increased risks of suicide = you cannot function?
Do I even need to explain why that statement is flawed?
Well, for one thing it's "increased risk of mental health problems", not just suicide. And yes I consider this kind of risk to be unsatisfactory - I find it hard to consider people who kill themselves to be 'functioning'.

Using reassignment surgery to "fix" a mental health problem, and then ignoring that the symptoms still exist is not very productive. At best you might call it a bandaid fix, but you have performed irreversible bodily mutilation in your quest for a temporary fix.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS
So why would a depressed person ever take shit from society and sleep late in mornings and then procrastinate most of the day, while still feeling discomfort in doing so, rather that getting out of his/her comfort zone, taking his/her chances and chasing goals?

Hey JSnffMARS I feel like you are now no longer talking about trans and are only focussing on depression. One of the symptoms of depression is literally not seeing the point of trying to do things (like getting out of bed, going to work, continuing living). So yeah, they don't chase their goals because of science, and even if that can be overcome, it is still very detrimental to someones standard of living to have to fight to even want to get out of bed. And the problem with depression for trans people seems to be that they keep killing themselves rather than that they aren't earning high enough income. In other words, I feel like you want to change the subject go this thread to something like your thread about how bad procrastination is (or how people use the internet or something). You are not going to persuade us that depression isn't bad so stop trying to persuade us that it is slightly better than people think.
Good morning sweet princess
I don't want to be a jack,
But you uncovered the most important,
psychological and psych disorders isnt the same thing.
You mindset is a thing you made by living your life, with experiences you had.
the psych is related to your physical brain,
You wont get cured without medication, cause it is hormone related,
Your brain is sick.

psychological problems can be treated with therapy.
If the ill person is with both, psychological and Mind illness,
he/she needs to be treated with both of the treatments, medication and therapy.
Last edited by dengue; Jun 13, 2015 at 07:20 AM.
Neurophysiology and psychology are heavily linked. I'm not sure the differences between them are quite as pronounced as you seem to think.
Good morning sweet princess
If you want to suicide probably you have dépression,
If you want to be a trans you have personality disorder.
The way your mind is makes you who you are,
It affects all your thoughts and feelings.
One disorder leads to another.

If you treat depression you can be free of undesired thoughts and feelings.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
As somebody with severe Major Depressive disorder, I understand it because I have watched countless others deal with it and I have seen how depression cripples you. If your depression is bad it can and most likely will rob you of your self confidence, your self worth, your hope (hopelessness) your dreams, your mental stability and sound of mind. It causes unimaginable weight loss/gain and it makes you hate your body for it. I sleep late in mornings, procrastinate most of the day, hate myself for it and then end up confused and very resentful. Afterward take it out on myself. If you would like to continue this, I would prefer to do it via PM.

I think the point Hyde is trying to get across is that dysrophobia can cause severe depression and anxiety related issues. This is because of the fact that it is a mental illness, and often time mental illnesses can trigger other mental illnesses. Severe anxiety/depression on top of dysrophobia most certainly would not be fun, and would be extremely confusing to deal with on top of your gender confusion.

So you, sir, are basically implying that you're still having a depression. Am I right in my assumptions here?