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A new thread about trans
Because the last one went to shit and had very little direction.

Ok, things to focus on (if your post does not do so it will probably be deleted because of how this threads predecessor ended up so keep that in mind):

Is being trans a disorder and is it of a necessarily of a harmful nature? We have seen that it is often indicative of mental disorders which are unquestionably harmful. However, if those are treatable in a way which maintains the transgender feelings then it is not being transgender which is causing the actual harm.

Are the various other disorders which have been linked with being trans a result of the same biological difference which causes the trans itself or due to societies attitude to transgender people in general?

Is automatically supporting those who come out as transgender without looking into it as a potentially bad thing as bad as automatically disapproving of those who come out in a way which is often immediately branded buy others as bigoted?

Can we all agree that Kessi is an idiot?

Is the growing support for transgender individuals the result of society advancing towards wider empathy or is it just people bandwagoning so as not to be seen as ignorant?

How many of the people who come out as trans are actually confusing another disorder with the desire to be another gender? For example the urge to be someone else could be confused with hating the gender of your own body idk.

Ok? If other suitable topics turn up I will try to add them. If you wouldn't mind, at least at the start, could you quote the questions you are addressing in your post so it is less confusing for all of them.

A word of advice, try to limit the number of lines of discussion you try to cover at once, it will help stop the discussion getting mixed up and allow us to know what we are arguing about for longer.

Good luck and try to do better than last time. I will be in an exam till about 18:00 GMT and Ele is probably sleeping right now so try to behave yourselves. The only people who will be moderating this thread until I get back will be people who can infract you and those aren't people you want to annoy. Saving shitposts till I get back would be a favourable survival trait for your accounts.
Good morning sweet princess
Scientists label Trans, Gay, Pan, etc as a disease. Which I find to be very idiotic. If someone comes out to be Trans, don't make them feel awful for it. Don't shun them for it. It's just awful, plain and simple. There was a guy named Josh (went by Leelah) he wanted to be a girl. Yet, his parents didn't support him due to their religion. He threw himself infront of a semi truck on I-71, literally 10 minutes away from me. People can argue about that for the fact that it was selfish of him to do that because he scarred the semi truck driver and bystanders who saw this occur. I read somewhere else that his parents tried sending him to facilities to get him help to not be Trans, but I am not 100% sure of that. Read about some of it here.

In short of my opinion. I don't think its bad to be a Transexual. Some kids find this out when they're young. There's nothing wrong with it.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
It would of been preferable if you had actually gave some indication of what line of discussion you are addressing but I guess I can try and work it out for you...

Your post applies to
Is being trans a disorder and is it of a necessarily of a harmful nature? We have seen that it is often indicative of mental disorders which are unquestionably harmful. However, if those are treatable in a way which maintains the transgender feelings then it is not being transgender which is causing the actual harm.

Are the various other disorders which have been linked with being trans a result of the same biological difference which causes the trans itself or due to societies attitude to transgender people in general?

Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Scientists label Trans, Gay, Pan, etc as a disease. Which I find to be very idiotic. If someone comes out to be Trans, don't make them feel awful for it. Don't shun them for it. It's just awful, plain and simple. There was a guy named Josh (went by Leelah) he wanted to be a girl. Yet, his parents didn't support him due to their religion. He threw himself infront of a semi truck on I-71, literally 10 minutes away from me. People can argue about that for the fact that it was selfish of him to do that because he scarred the semi truck driver and bystanders who saw this occur. I read somewhere else that his parents tried sending him to facilities to get him help to not be Trans, but I am not 100% sure of that. Read about some of it here.

In short of my opinion. I don't think its bad to be a Transexual. Some kids find this out when they're young. There's nothing wrong with it.

Calling scientists idiotic is idiotic within itself.
And I don't think they call it a disease either, you might need to show us your source for that. If anything, trans is is a mental disorder.
Identifying as a gender other than your biological one is a disorder. That does not mean that I hate transgender people, read my post before you judge. 8\
The goal of a therapy is not to cure the patient but to make them functional and happy, may it be hormone therapy or an operation to change the sex organs to look like the opposite sex.
An operation does not change the fact that biologically speaking they are still what they were born as. That gets supported by the fact that if transgender people who underwent operation have to take hormones all their life or else their physique will change back to what they were before.
I personally do not care if they choose to change their appearance to be whatever they want it to be or if they get a therapy to feel more like their biological gender. Whatever works for them works for me.
What I do care about is that glorifying a disorder creates a false image. Having that sort of disorder will lead to a lot of pain and suffering for that individual. It is not something that should be treated like something that is perfectly normal and be taken lightly.
Human genders are inherently binary, claiming otherwise is scientifically speaking absolutely incorrect. There are some exceptions, of course, but we are talking about the standard attributes of our species.
Originally Posted by Organs View Post
Calling scientists idiotic is idiotic within itself.
And I don't think they call it a disease either, you might need to show us your source for that. If anything, trans is is a mental disorder.

I wasn't calling the scientists idiotic. I'm saying that they label it as disease was idiotic.
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
It would of been preferable if you had actually gave some indication of what line of discussion you are addressing but I guess I can try and work it out for you...

Your post applies to


I attained to the first one you quoted. I apologize for not specifying. Then I added on with a story.
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Jun 4, 2015 at 11:15 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I listed 6 possible things to discuss. I'm pretty sure at least a couple must be left uncovered after just 4 posts into the thread. If you can't find them them then don't bother posting next time please. The likelihood is that we have already seen Redundant's post so telling people to is pretty pointless as well.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
Scientists label Trans, Gay, Pan, etc as a disease. Which I find to be very idiotic.

Nice opinion you have there. Do you have a doctorate to back it up like many of those scientists? Which one is the idiotic opinion here?

If someone comes out to be Trans, don't make them feel awful for it. Don't shun them for it. It's just awful, plain and simple. There was a guy named Josh (went by Leelah) he wanted to be a girl. Yet, his parents didn't support him due to their religion. He threw himself infront of a semi truck on I-71, literally 10 minutes away from me.

Clearly that's the sign of a normal mind functioning normally. Big hint: normal people with normally functioning minds don't commit suicide.

People can argue about that for the fact that it was selfish of him to do that because he scarred the semi truck driver and bystanders who saw this occur. I read somewhere else that his parents tried sending him to facilities to get him help to not be Trans, but I am not 100% sure of that. Read about some of it here.

In short of my opinion. I don't think its bad to be a Transexual. Some kids find this out when they're young. There's nothing wrong with it.

It's a DANGEROUS mental health disorder. The person you're talking about KILLED HIMSELF because of it. That's no different to an anorexic starving themselves to death because they think they're fat, striving to be accepted. The rate of suicide among transgenders is very high, and that can't possibly be purely down to societal pressures, because there are people in shittier situations that don't commit suicide. It's a very dangerous condition, like depression/anorexia, and should be treated.

Will reply to main post when I have more time.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
The goal of a therapy is not to cure the patient but to make them functional and happy, may it be hormone therapy or an operation to change the sex organs to look like the opposite sex.

That's not much of a therapy, you haven't fixed the actual problem.

Imagine trying to apply the same logic to other kinds of trans disorders;
Trans-species? Translate brain into a cat body, problem solved.
Trans-racial? Bathe in paint every day, problem solved.

The treatment for anorexia isn't "lose a bunch of weight", it's lunacy to refer to indulging a mentally ill person's delusions as "treatment". You can't hide the problem forever and expect it to just go away.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff