Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
YAY for photoshop tutorials!
went through the whole planet making phase aswell when i started out, then i got bored...
heres a piece a friend of mine worked on, once he had been through the tutorials on it...
pretty much the same idea that u used, just more in depth
made using photoshop and some other shit called terragen or something, cant remember

the main thing with yours, is use less blurry effects, work bigger, and work in more detail.
i find google images - rusted metal gives good results

/offtopic-the mountains look like N64 CG

Originally Posted by bishop1 View Post
i agree with miko for the shadowing but the glow around the planet itself (while is a nice touch : P) is a bit overthetop. while it is good you put a glow it is alot bigger then it should be, look at the photo miko placed in his last entry, the planet does have a glow but it is much more subtle... other then that your doing great keep it up ^.^

tru say about the glow part. didn't notice that. you should definitely tone it down a lot. it contributes to te blurry feel i must say
I love you
i like eet :3
altough i know a Tuto to a far more detailed planet... searching it o_o

hmm, the one i thought of was german :/

but i found anotherone, maybe interesting: http://10steps.sg/photoshop/making-o...ets-collision/
outcome looks kinda w00t.
Last edited by pixlkiller; Jun 28, 2009 at 07:52 AM.
Originally Posted by mooman1994 View Post
thanks for all the tips but as for now i think im done with it, but i will use all the advice in my art that's yet to come.

looking forward to it
I love you
thats my new background XD btw the lens flare is really cool.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.