Fawflaw that is lovely!

After abit of pestering here's an update lol, the grayscale is nearly done. I added a quick bit of colour just for the update but there's still tongue, teeth, scales, horns, eyes to go.

Last edited by KungFuJC; Dec 10, 2009 at 12:11 AM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Wow, these are two sexy dragon textures!

Faw, yours is done, I won't ask you to edit it anymore, just wait for the end of this request ;p

Kung: Keep going! I like the shades and the details level. Just finish the coloring and its done, maybe I'll ask you to change the skin tone to a different type of green to make more contrast with the plates, I dunno atm, I have to see the finished head.
Ooook, this is over. the winner is fawflaw, I'll send 50k right now.

Kung, you texture seems so promising.. if you'll ever finish it i'll probably buy it.

Thanks to all those who participated.
Hey sorry I've been deadly ill the past couple of days.

quickly added the rest, wasn't sure about amour colour after changing the skingreen abit so you can choose or have both.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Gimme both, I'll tweak the last things myself, it'll be faster ;P

50k sent, second head chosen.

This thread can be closed.