Original Post
Head texture request with reference image - 50k

I want a dragon head texture, it must be dark, realistic, detailed and evil.
Take inspiration from the image I posted regarding colors and design (yes, I want plates and teeth and everything else).

If you have no idea on how a dragon head texture should look like, this head (linked from RAWR art gallery thread) can help you regarding proportions or how horns/mouth should look like:

-If I can't decide between two textures I like, I'll buy both.
-Prize is 50k, if I'll decide to buy 2 heads, each one will be bought for 50k.
-Expect to be asked to make a couple of edits on the texture you've made.
-The reference image is there for a reason, if you have old and unsold random monster heads laying in your folders, do not post them.
-If you can't shade, don't even try this one, you'll just waste your time.
-If you suck at realism but you're willing to make a really epic anime/vector/cartoon dragon, go for it it, I may buy yours too.

I wouldn't want to wait more than 3-4 weeks for this request, however, if you show me an epic preview and ask for more time to finish the texture, you'll have all the time you need.

That is all, make me happy.

Last edited by maldiluna; Nov 28, 2009 at 06:31 PM.
Oo.. You have my attention, lol. Kickass choice of Ref, I prefer when requests post ref images, makes it more interesting ;)

I'll give it ago over this weekend.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
I made a quick scribble to rough out the general layout.

Emphasis on the word scribble lol.

Is it all in the right place? Or would you want me to move stuff around.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's

Hi. This is also just a preview to see where will parts of dragon face will be and where is the dark and white spots. I will use the color from the image that u provide, and make a realistic as possible. I used your image just as a reference, and put some stuff that i think would be good, but your word is final...
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Nov 29, 2009 at 03:03 PM.
I'm looking forward to see you on irc monobi.

Kung and j4n, I like both your previews, everything is in the right place, even if kung's one is more advanced since it already has plates.

Keep going!
Well, I just made the shaded version (mine have plates too but only in front of the dragon face). I must tell you - more realistic approach - less details shows - maybe something in between, less realistic would be the best solution.

Here it is: