Original Post
Creative Project (Account Prize)
As I am quitting toribash, this account would be no longer useful to me, perhaps other people would make better use of it then me.

So, your task is...

-To design anything about what toribash would be like if YOU can modify it.

This account includes:
-Toriprime til april
-Full persian
-Head texture- Made by GATA member.
-Around 1800 post counts.
-Lucky star Torso Flame.
-4th dan

This would end on February the 22nd.
Last edited by Roronoa_VI; Jan 26, 2010 at 08:44 PM.
I have a few pretty good ideas, so I might as well post em here.

I'll try to keep from being vague or impossible to implement
Game Ideas

Server playlists: servers would play from a list of mods

Matchmaking: people would choose matchmaking, and then they would be paired off and put onto a random empty server. when the match is over they would return to matchmaking and be paired with a different person. maybe this would also include match filters so people could choose what mods they prefer.

Multiplayer: not sure what to name this one, but, since it's already in the code and just waiting to be implemented, what about 3 and 4 player matches? perhaps this could be tied with matchmaking too

Player rating system: have a rating system where players would be automatically judged on their conduct i.e. +1 for a honorable loss while -5 for rage quitting and -100 or more for major offenses.

Rating filters: closely tied with the above idea, server makers would be able to deny anyone whos rating is too low (untrustworthy players) from entering their servers

more control: the ability to use a certain % power on joints. e.g. contract knee 40%

Moar graphics!: of coarse; luminosity, reflectivity, pearlescence.

3rd party Tool Ideas:

texture viewer: a 3d model, perhaps with different poses that you could quickly and easily test your textures with

texture maker: maybe combined with the viewer, this might be necessary if Moar Graphics! was implemented

sorry if I repeated anyone elses ideas, but I purposefully didn't read them so I wouldn't be influenced by them
this post is reserved for future use (it wont let me post any more on my other)

a viewing port for textures ....where you can set the pose..this would also be usefull for selling sets and what not

there would also be the option to make it into a .gif image of the head/Full set so you wouldnt have to open gimp and all


this would have multiple good options for making textures and such

for example
say you wanted to make a chest

you could jsut click the chest button and you would automaticly have 2 chest templates

1 for drawing on

second one for seeing where things go

this would make it alot easier to make textures like hands and less people would have to come to the site-copy the chest texture template save it add it to gimp ect ect

built in music maker for toribash

aka this would alow peopel to make there own version/remix of the toribash ingame song and give the game a lot


this could also be used my sticking certain tracks to certain replays
you could also play your own music through itunes and such

replay editor ingame

i was thinking of a speed control in game so it would be great for editing replays
this could also be an offical software jsut for toribash to make videos and such alot easier

without having to use scripts and such
this would come with a variety of effects and screenshot/camera options

ingame frame changer

say you where in a really good replay in singleplayer...and your about to do something EPICLY AWSOME

and u run out of frames jsut as u hit em......

there should be an option to extend the frames at any point of the game(singleplayer)

you could also use this for old replays and stuff

Also when you make a long replay you dont want to watch till the end there could be a command that says something liek /frame _

the _ is where u type the number frame u want to go to

Or to make things even easier ther could just be a sliderbar at the bottom and u can SLIDE through the flame if u get what i mean
Last edited by dragoblade; Feb 19, 2010 at 03:47 PM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
added more info

btw when does this end?

and who is winning so far?
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
dragoblade you stole some of my ideas.....

To make things easyer for you here is my first set of ideas:

1.) Joining an official clan should be saved in a database, it would stop noobs using a clan tag without the permission of the clan leader/mods/co-leader(s)

2.) everything available from the torishop that you have to pay usd for should also be purchasble for a certain amount, obviously very high, of course...

3.) When you start your own thread, you should be able to change to title of the post without having to ask a mod, we all find it annoying, and it would save everyones time...

4.) the report buttom should be worked on, sometimes it seems to hard to put into detail what they have done wrong, so options like spam, trying to scam, illegal post

and then they all have sort of sub-options, so in spam it would be smiley spam, multiple illegal posts and so on, it would help moderators keep the forums in-tact

5.) when a part of your body (in game) is dismembered, it should not be able to move again, and when you are decapitated, you should not be able to move once 10 frames after the decap has taken place, it would make in game fighting more realistic , thus making the game more enjoyable, and decaps all the sweeter!

6.) in the torishop when you preview an item, you should be able to move around, uke would be taken out of the "realm" and you can see what the item looks like while moving

7.) an ebay like bidding/shopping system, so what you bid is automatically taken away from your acount and the item is automatically sent to you

8.) tc fines, if you have a massive build up of infractions, a mod should have the choice of fine or ban, fine being a percentage of your tc, not an amount (because some people are very rich, and some people are poor, the fines would effect them in different ways)

9.) whenever toribsh updates, hampa & co. should look around the forums for threads like this, and take in what they see, hamoa is doing an amazing job anyway, but it might save a little bit of time, getting ideas from the community..

10.) like 9, scripts that have been invented by players, like the shadermaker (blam) should be pre-installed with updates, they would obviously have to be aproved...

11.) when you win. buy an acount (like this) you should be able to transfer anything to the other acount, like toriprime, qi, not any mod powers, not a clan positoin, and most certainly not the clan, but perks, for buying/ winning the acount, almost..

the last one was pretty much what i HOPE to gain from this competition, and also what i think alot of people would enjoy..

and here are my second set of ideas:

12.) Tc bonus for belting up or achievments

again, so you have a greater feel of acomplishment when you do something, and it might even encourage people to keep playing, who are bored with toribash...

13.) In the iphone/itouch there should be an app whereyou can check the market/usercard/tc amount/ inventory and mabye even 2d toribash....

14.) t-shirts and shiiz

15.) joints you can rotate, mabye just elbows and wrist, but it would make gameplay more realistic, and more fun....

16.) a 3d texture maker..

you have a blank tori, and pen tools, and you draw ON the tori, then when you exit the program you get the flats...

i know that texturerres (i can't spell it, wait texture-ers, yeah, them) would have a hard time, but mabye just make one pen tool, and colours, so you don't get GREAT detail....

and the templates would be available ingame, with a template of the colours

17.) pose maker:

You should be able to drag parts of the body into certain posiitions to make it easyer to preview textures...


Swap toricredits for USD... I am not sure why but I think you should be able to buy things in the torishop that you can normaly buy only for USD but in toricredits, Obivously they would have to be incredibly expensive, but there should be an option >.<

Yeah, those are all the ideas I have, if there are any that have been said already, can you go back and check who actually posted them first, because I have copied and pasted the ideas from my other posts.... (as in, check who actually put them first by looking at the posts again >.<)

EDIT: I am not sure if this has already been said, or if I have said it already >.< But you should be able to buy real little tori's

So you would pay *insert price here* for a 15cm model of your tori (fully movable) with your textures on it and your joints are all extending, so you can see your joint colours aswell
Last edited by CazRules; Feb 20, 2010 at 05:49 PM.
Something about busses:D
stop lying dude i didnt copy you i posted first! if you look at first page

you copied me

also i think hampa took away the idea for qi transfers]
i heard they used to do it in the past but this was unfair on other players

also i never c/p or copied ur ideas at all

i came up with them on my own
Last edited by dragoblade; Feb 21, 2010 at 11:16 AM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
1. A texture maker in toribash and toriforum

2. a new window for cheting with other people in a other room

3. make side where you can see all turneys that will start soon

4. that you can make people to frinds and see when they are on

5. a musik player that everyone in the room can hear what you can mute

6. a script maker where you can make easy scripts
Originally Posted by Garkin View Post
1. A texture maker in toribash and toriforum

2. a new window for cheting with other people in a other room

3. make side where you can see all turneys that will start soon

4. that you can make people to frinds and see when they are on

5. a musik player that everyone in the room can hear what you can mute

6. a script maker where you can make easy scripts

1 and 3 are my ideas dont steal them
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.
if i wold make a toribash i wold do:

evry new player shold get a fair ammount of tc like well
i dunno 30-40k
i wold make way more achivements to complete
i wold make the body do more than relax hold contract contact or whateva
i wold make like the graphics better have a sun at day
and mood at night sunrise in mornings etc
i wold make it more fun by you cold go on
the 3 player multiplayer option
so 3 players cold play the game at once
i wold make more than belts than just a god belt
i wold do before god belt untochable belt rank***
o and i wold defenataly! add some hair to tori head
like on the Wii that wold be my beast sugestion
but i got more like make a better menu
you cold have like a living room with a telivision
on the telivision you cold spy on people when they are playing
(cant spy in private servers) cold have doors to go to
multiplayer cold have like a closet to change stuff (only what you already baught in the forums) so you dont haft to go to forums again
and actualy see what you wold look like you cold also have head
phones to just talk to people and not play
o and make the however you like
i wold also andd a tutorial of how to make living room
becouse just incase ur new
i wold make an evry day triple tourneys
becouse if you lose one and ur uppset you might win
the next two wold have more multiplayer options
when you press multiplayer you wold
chose your flag like english flag
and only english people wold be there
i might make fingers on toripeople if i wold
i wold make extra long timers i wold make fingers
becouse when u press to grab ut just makes a little flat brick
i wold make a choise of smiley options when you are talking
so you cold make smileys like this O_O and this
i wold make better noises when the tori gets hit
or just swing your fist and make a decap
i wold make the super stars off toribash (like kitfox) play ingame more
so i wold make like a program to deal with all reports and stuff
i wold make in the menu like mini games or torture the uke
games so u can create spikes or something and click and hold
on uke and smack him into spikes or walls or something
you cold also type the man you realy hate name
and then instead of uke he appears and smack him
take him appart and stuff that wold be fun
i wold also make a tutorial of how to add
friends like type /add friend kitfox
and then you cold stalk him or something, if kitfox woldnt like it
he cold type /nf spartalol
o and if you are in line waiting for your turn
a mini game wold appear like dart bord or torture the uke etc
and if ingame someone keeps on calling you names or something
you cold type /mtl and his name and then you cold not see his writing
that wold be realy helpful coz when i win people say i am a dick
exept friends ofcorse so i cold like mute him
o and at the bottom corner i wold make like a clock
u cold set a alarm and stuff like you need to do your homework
at seven o clock and now is six o clock you cold set it so
the alarm wold go at the spasific time you want it belive me that is sooo
useful coz i never do my homework now i keep on forgetting becouse i play toribash too much
i wold also add like a street if you want in menu
you cold press outside
and you wold use w,s,a,d, or arrows to walk somewhere
there wold be bars so you cold drink and talk to people
and mens clubs and u know all that :3
that wold make it more fun and exiting becouse you cold
also say its gta san andreas or something becouse
you cold drive cars motorbikes and all that
might also have a gun shop but all that wold be there is
knifes becouse it wold be quiet annoying if someone had a gun
and u woldnt have anything so u cold not run away with a knife
yes u can run away from a tori with a knife or just battle against it
o and thats just 2 options of playing
1. is like a world with ideas i just sayed
2.its just a multiplayer with my ideas added to it
i wold add to the world air planes and veicles that can fly
no hacks on any of those to options
and no cheats eather.

and that is all by redevil224
good luck to who evr is in this
contest to ;)

o and guys why are you copying ideas from other people
come up with your own :I
Last edited by redevil224; Feb 22, 2010 at 09:18 PM.
insint this supposed to be over?

and btw i never copied anyone elses idea/....i just thought of things

other people did though


the flying vehicle and stuff are just mods..anyone can make them anyway

besides theres already a hang gliding one
Last edited by dragoblade; Feb 23, 2010 at 07:52 AM.
hanz0:Very well done. These annoy me much less than the default smilies we've got right now.