So, I can actually find an image in Google, or something, and sell it for, say, 500 TC ??
Well, as I see, that's how it works, but anyway, how do you paste the actual picture in your post though?
Originally Posted by Steller View Post
I already have Gimp but it does not know how to use it!

You open gimp
you open the image
you click on the paint bucket
you select the colour you want
you click on the part you want to change.

Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
So, I can actually find an image in Google, or something, and sell it for, say, 500 TC ??
Well, as I see, that's how it works, but anyway, how do you paste the actual picture in your post though?

You dont understand, loads of hard backbracking work was put into those heads, did you see how the image looked wierd and not how a round face would look like?
thats cause it was made to be a template for the image, you never know how it will look as a sphere until you test it.
I dont understand what you mean by pasting images??
I am Awesome... :D
The Lone Rogue
I've actually seen a video where it showed how to put an image on a spinning sphere in Gimp or Photoshop, I can't remember. Google it though, it will save time