Jesus christ its jason bourne
Name: John or Bladex Blad3X or Pyr0D3atH
Belt: Soon to be blue
What Can I Add To The Clan: I'm really good at mushu, greykido, parkour,and abd or aikido.
Why Do I Want To Join: I want to join because i wanna help with the goal and i want to contribute tc and help people when it is needed.
About My Self: I have two accounts the other one is blue belt and I like to play games mostly toribash so ill be active a lot
Previous Clans: I've been in no other clan on this account but on my other account i was in static

I Hope my application peeked your interest :bananapar tyhat::Ban ane36:: Banane49:urplebana nna:
there are no
2 account not allowed

We do not accept applications below 2 dan black belt.
Old clan members below 2 dan were removed.
Last edited by Lysithix; Oct 19, 2016 at 08:57 PM.
im blue belt and what happened to the old leader
you know what. im fine being kicked and since your the leader this clan is gonna go down to shit. i dont know how your even leader cause i was in it before you and i could have said no to you joining. no one wants to join a clan with a shitty leader that wants everything his way like hes a big baby. hope you liked what you turned this clan into you dick imma find a better clan that this and imma start a war with this clan
have a nice day and have fun trying to find new clan members.
Last edited by Pyr0D3atH; Oct 19, 2016 at 10:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump