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(Static) Static Clan Recruitment Center

Application Guidelines
What can you add to the clan:
Why do you want to join:
Tell us
a bit about yourself:
Previous Clans:

how recruitment works

Last edited by hanna; Oct 15, 2016 at 08:27 PM.



What can you add to the clan: I find my self to be quite skilled in this game. I play a multitude of mods such as ABD, Wushu, Tk, LenshuF, and Rk_mma. I started playing those mods back when I first started seeking out teachers and anyone who could give me tips on how to become better faster. I am also really serious about being in a clan. I will bring a strict voice, and enforce clan rules as much as I can. I will do my part to be as active and as productive as possible with the clans best interests in mind. I will be the best member I can be and help take this clan to the top.

Why do you want to join: Judging by the effort you put into the logo and the clan thread I believe that this clan has great potential. I have always wanted start from the bottom and work hard to become official. I can tell you are active and won't just give up on this clan after a few weeks or even months.

Tell us about a bit yourself: Well, I started December 17, 2014 and after I got banned for loan scamming. I got a huge loan from Ferras expecting to buy tc and be able to pay him back but the money had to be used for more important things last second and I wasn't able to play thus, getting me permabanned. I played for awhile with some alts here and there but I was never serious about it. My real name is Michael and I live in the U.S. My GMT is -7 so that makes it 8:17 at the time of this post.

Previous Clans: None, I was more focused on becoming better than I was finding a clan, plus back then I never really found a clan that really fit me.
Last edited by Elmo; Oct 14, 2016 at 04:21 PM.

Age:18 soon

Belt:10th dan black belt

What can you add to the clan:I'm quite skilled in most of the mods. I can help out with clan wars. I'm planning to learn to draw and digital paint, so maybe I will do some art for the clan in the future(far away future).

Why do you want to join:I joined 2 previous uni's clans. Why not to join this one.

Tell Us about yourself:I play tb quite a lot. Toribash is only game I play right now. I don't have much more to write there. As I wrote before I'm learning to draw.

Previous Clans: Many.
-15 (I'm mature, don't worry.)
-Orange, i'm not a noob though, just a new account, I can fight Dans.
What can you add to the clan:
-I am responsible and mature when I need to be.
Why do you want to join:
-I want to help the clan grow, I noticed it was new, so I decided I should try to get recruited and help out. I want to know new people and help them out.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
-I love contrasted colors, maybe that's why your logo caught my eye I really like toribash, I play it a lot during the day and hope to get even better.
Previous Clans: I have never been in a clan, but have always wanted to be in one.
Age:I am currently 13, and come November I will be 14.
Belt:Currently Dan 3, close to 4 I believe
What can you add to the clan:I can do many things, as I play a set of mods. I can spar, trick, parkour, Aikido, Mushu, and a couple of other mods.
Why do you want to join:I want to help this clan grow. I feel as if I owe Universe for all the help he's given me, and I want to pay him back by making him have a strong clan that will annihilate all enemies in our path.
Tell us a bit about yourself:I enjoy videogames, art, and some other things. Usually when I'm not playing Toribash, I'm playing games such as osu!, Everquest, WoW, Unturned, CS:GO, SMITE™, DDO, Brawlhalla, Alien Swarm, Double Action: Boogaloo, Gmod, L4D2, Postal 2, Rocket League, CS:S, Skyrim, and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. (And a lot of others that are on browsers, such as Sacred Seasons 2,, etc.)
Previous Clans: Honestly don't remember all the names. I was in Command before, Uni's old clan, Jackass, and maybe one more... Not sure but I doubt one more.