Original Post
PanSowa's texture shop. Sets'n'Heads

-Heads - from 1k ( crappy) to 25k (awesome)
-Sets - from 20k to 70k
-Grounds - 5k
-Trails - 8k for 4
-Invidual pieces- depends on piece

Request list:
-MLKotara with pure/mysterio tribal set

If u want to request theres example
- colours
- style
- max price
- any effects
- what bodyparts


I'M ACCEPTING TC, ITEMS (force, lax and blood), PACKS AND USD

Wohooo we reached 666 visits

Last edited by PanSowa; Jul 10, 2009 at 11:46 AM. Reason: blah
Ryuu was there :o
ehhh.. if u aren't requesting plz don't write in my thread kay? I want it to be clean and nice
next person who'll write smth like that w/o requesting or asking for smth will get reported mmmmkay?...
Ryuu was there :o
subversant - hmm idk, i never did any, but i can try

BTW don't request emo heads, i don't like emo xD
Ryuu was there :o