This is the wrong place to post this.But anyway,The tori did not look like it even belonged to the scene around it.Add some dodging and burning.It will make the pic more lively and the tori will look like it is really standing there.And the clouds were super-spooky.The lightning was not real looking and their was one flash of lightning only.Add some more.If you did not notice also,the tori's right leg was penetrating the grass somehow.At the time wen the other leg is above the grass.It looks kinda unrealistic.Also,the cropping itself wasn't proper.Some parts have a edgy black outline and some parts don't.You could have done much better on the i give it 7/10.

Last edited by MYI; Jun 15, 2009 at 02:31 PM.
at least you didn't forget the tag this time :/

your skills are improving, but what's with the background?

3D with 2D components rarely works, especially in this senario. you have a bluish evening sky, but the lighting is white, doesn't make much sense.
Former Item Forger
ty stup bckground supposed to be like storm and Lightining kick into sword to my sword get's new abilities
Do you wanted to say "LightFire Blade" in the title? If yes,I will edit it for you.

For the picture, I have the same opinion as the previous posters, 2D background dont fits with 3D Pic, and the Render itself has no action on it, and looks veeery basic/Tutorialistic.

4/10, Good luck with future projects.
yh LightFire
there's no tutorials тв in ере work i first time supossed grass to look realistic
Thread Title changed.

Well, the grass has no lighting at all, and since there is a lightning, there should be some creepy shadows with big lights. ;)