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[Shop] Fox avatar shop
Fox avvy shop special discount for DAT members (this is member shop only)
EDIT^:THis is public shop at the moment

App for avvy:
If you want glow if so color of glow:
extra's such as psp and headband:
pictures/flags in corners:
ball power something like that:
shadow y/n:

nothing but color 100tc
color and glow 200tc
color glow and extra(s) 400tc (100tc per item)
color glow extra(s) and ball/power
color glow extra and flag/pic up to 1k
color glow extra(s) flag/pic ball/power up to 1.5k
+shadow 100tc

how to use:just right click image hit save as save it as something like "Fox Avvy by smashslice" or something then go to user cp and find where you saved it.

(pictures coming soon)
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?
Sorry for double post.
Guys come on this is the only thing im really good at atleast make a request and let me make one for you (sorta bored right now)
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?
Originally Posted by smashslice View Post
Sorry for double post.
Guys come on this is the only thing im really good at atleast make a request and let me make one for you (sorta bored right now)

You have left a 3 day gap that is not a double post and it is your thread as long as you keep it on topic you can post all you want (i advise you not to, just incase.)
Since your first one it'll be free next one will be 75% off and the one after that 50% off (do the math for me im to busy to do it :P)
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?
why are you selling fox avatars i could just copy and past the picture my self and edit it on gimp with no charg, the foxs are pretty cool though
because thats illegal and you would get banned if you dint have mine and the person i sold it to's permission
I am a prime tori. Why don't i have toriprime?