Original Post
[Auction] Glass set
A set for Shaders! Has a stained glass feel! Current highest bid 20k. Yes! Auto-buy successful!

That's a lot of shots! If you need more feel free to PM me.

Start 5k
Min raise 1k
Autobuy 20k
Ends in 3 days, on the 22nd.

Thank you for your Patronage!
Last edited by JinxZ; Jun 23, 2009 at 03:18 AM.

Hey, can you please add an end date to this auction. Have one within 24 hours or this gets closed, thanks.
lead Sigma
Originally Posted by Bork View Post
Can you add some screenshots without cell shading?

At your service:

just some advice here, that looks very good, but you should make a color change to make it seem less, "bland", I guess. great work though, especially with the trails.