Original Post
[WIP]The making of a robot
G'day. I settled for making a robot set again. I'm posting previews for every single part as I make them. Mind you that I won't reply to anything next week (June 22.-27.) because of a holiday. I appreciate constructive criticism.

Last edited by aslask; Jun 21, 2009 at 11:32 PM.
Perhaps I did not make myself clear enough to your taste?

Originally Posted by aslask View Post
I appreciate constructive criticism.

There. Please post constructive criticism. Other than pointing out flaws, tell what to do with them.
Oh Mkay, Sorry. Just saw the pics and posted, my Bad.

Well,The red glow itself is kind of nice,looks like some light is coming out of the inner robosuit. But the green part ruins it, it just dont fits (My Opinion), also some little red parts on the back parts of the legs would look cool, the like some little microchips or something.
Waiting for head and so on.

There you go! That's a lot better criticism. Now, keeping that in mind, I updated the first post with thighs!
Hehe, the Tighs are better,still they are blurry as the legs, but I think it will look badass when finished. The "nails" or whatever those black plates are fit very well.

Good job
Updated! Now with feet and torso previews. Personally, I love the torso. Now the worst part remains: Hands/arms. The head will also be a mystery on how to make using this style. I'll think of something.
The set looks really nice in my eyes. I'm out of words, or not really. I can speak, but you know what I mean.

I can't wait to see the hands. And head ofc.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Thanks, guys. The set is now complete, and I'm going to a holiday. I'll be back in a week to reply. Until then, comment as much as you can!