Original Post
[WIP] Robotic Head
So i got bored a while ago and decided to try a head, i came out with this

NOTE: this is a WIP so its not really finished, just a concept

C&C is welcome (contstructive plz)

Ideas are welcome as well, im stuck and dont know how to further improve this head....
yea, i know
im workin on that now

i just wanted to show what i have now, and see what you all thought of it
Looks pretty neat, what colour scheme are you going for?
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
Its pretty unoriginal. It looks like another of those halo inspired head textures. Try something new :P
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
yea, i realize its pretty unoriginal, just testing my skill, i'll probably base something else off of it

and malv: color scheme im goin for is something with grey, and dark red...
No real shadings, and has the visor/parts like every 2nd robo head on the market, should have more highlights and colored parts. 5/10

Could be a 7/10 maybe ;)