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[Mp]Hax's Guide To Comebacks
One of the hardest things to do in Wushu is making a come back. For those of you who do not know what a comeback is or how to execute them, all of which will be thoroughly explained here in this guide. I will also provide exercises in order to sharpen your skills in coming back and traveling in different directions. I hope you find this very informative and helpful towards you conquest of becoming a better wushu player.

So, First things First: What is a comeback?

- A comeback is a maneuver in which players after the initial contact between the players which provides a player with the ability travel back to the opponent.

How Do I Execute Comebacks?

-Comebacks are made in such a variety of different ways. Literally every part of the body is used in different ways to comeback. Here I will explain some of the different body formations to make a comeback.

Comeback Position 1:Knee in front. The objective of knee in front is (kind of self-explanatory), where your back is facing the back of the opponent, and your knee is in front of yours. The replay for this particular position is hxc coming back ftfw.

Comeback Position 2: The shoulder pump. Sometimes, your arm will be behind you and when you lower it and hit the ground, your momentum will be rushed over to the rest of your body, after which, you can raise your shoulder, to get back in the game! The replay that fits this type of comeback is hxc good comeback.

Comeback Position 3: The backwards launch. This is a very simple 3 joint change which makes you move backwards. This is one move that I can tell you EXACTLY what to do, and will not worry if you use it in-game as it is not my own. All you need to do is contract one hip, extend that same's leg knee, and then extend the other hip. This will instantly set you backwards, to be used not only to avoid rush openers, but if your back is facing the opponent, then you will be moving close and closer to your opponent. You will see this leg sweep in the hxc me vs playaj replay.

Comeback Position 4: Knee in back. The knee behind you position is somewhat difficult but very efficient if you can pull it off. Each knee position will require use of your knee, ankle, and glutes, along with with your pecs, shoulders, and elbows, to position perfectly. The objective in this is to keep your knee behind yourself, wrapped, to launch at the opponent. You will see this used in hxc vs kickass air battle.

Comeback Position 5: Contracting the wrists. This is one of the most important, easiest, comebacks ever. All that you truly need to do is contract your wrists, and when their pushed down and pinned to the ground, extend them. You can see this being used in hxc vs killer LAX fixed.

These are just 5 comeback positions which one can use at any given point of time to come back towards the opponent. Now for the exercise to help you sharpen you comeback skills:

Set the mod to wushufixed.tbm in single player. You do this by typing /set mod wushufixed.tbm. Then. Set the mf to 650, or /set mf 650. Afterwhich, set the engagedistance to 1000, or /set ed 1000. Now, you have 650 frames to work with making 1000 distance apart. This is much much farther then you and your opponent will ever be. Now here is the challenge: With this amount of frames, try to reach uke. After you finally meet uke, save the replay, see what worked, and what didn't work. And keep it up, then, once you are comfortable, make the engagedistance farther and farther. Here is an example at 1500 engage distance (replay hxc 1500). See how far you can get. The farthest I have seen is 2500 engagedistance with 650 frames.

Now, some people may be wondering how you can fall into positions to get into comebacks? Here is a hint: Relax ALL! It's not just an amazing wushu clan, its a plan for great comebacks. After every turn after your opener, hit c twice to relax all your joints once more. you will find that your body has the potential to maneuver in 1 or more of the 5 different positions I talked about above in order to make solid comebacks.

Now, some people may still have problems with comebacks, and thats okay, like poker, it takes only a few minutes to learn, but a life time to master. But I can help you here. So this guide will also be used for a thread of help, just write your name here and schedule a time in which we can meet in-game for a private match up to see where you are struggling. However, the help doesn't end there, if anyone wants, they can post replays of their own here where they NEED help in making some sort of comeback in their multiplayer and wonder how they could have came back. If I can get to all of them, I will try to reveal how you could have made it back to them (*NOTE* Not EVERYTHING is savable to a comeback).

I want to finally point out that the openers used in the replays are made from my personal improv and customized made so please do not use them in game, they were only used to implement a scenario which you guys could see how to comeback. I still want to keep all my openers personal.

I hope you all found this guide helpful, and please post feedback and questions here. Many thanks to Rukeepers for taking screenshots of each comeback!

Last edited by Bodhisattva; Jan 13, 2016 at 05:46 AM.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Thanks for making this guide, I am using the uke training right now, what I gotta start using more is relax all that is probably my main issue.
Nice guide hax, however you have missed out comeback attacks and keeping momentum whilst coming back. I guess i'll cover them.

Comeback Attacks:

ah yes the mighty comeback opener, to all those who don't already know, it is when you jump backwards or sideways to avoid an opponents opener and then comeback when they have run out of momentum and are less dangerous. In a comeback opener, returning to your opponent can be just the same as any other comeback, all the methods already described by hax would make a decent base from which to form a punch or kick. However the methods described above do focus on propelling yourself towards the target with linear force, sometimes to gain to power you want for your opener something extra is needed.

Rotation is a great tool for adding some more venom to your comeback openers (i use all those jumpback helicopter kicks that I've seen in my time to testify this fact), it can also be used in regular comebacks but is not always certain or easy to pull off so generally it is more suited for your openers. The main thing to think about when using rotation is planning ahead, 9/10 times it's better if you begin rotating before the actual push off to comeback occurs, and rotating one way and then the other gives you a wider arc of rotation to build up speed.

attacking comebacks are simply just for openers, consider contracting elbows/knees midair to ready yourself for hitting the enemy on arrival, contracting these parts also will make you rotate faster in the air (the speedometer won't say so because you give yourself a small diameter but you will spin faster), and the joints will already be near enough ready to push off the ground if you need that extra boost to reach your opponent.


This is a big one, in a traditional wushu game of 500 frames t can be difficult to comeback in time - especially if your opponent is doing everything in their power to get away from you. So retaining momentum is very important. My tip would be to get into position to comeback and push off before you hit the ground. It's too easy to: let yourself fall, balance yourself, get into position, then comeback; but it's not very fast. Keep close to but not on the ground, the aim will be to keep close enough so that you can push off whenever needed but don't let yourself simply fall to the ground as so you don't have to stop to prevent yourself dqing. That said, sometimes you need to let yourself fall in order to get comeback, so you'll need to practice and gain the experience needed to judge each situation for yourself.


Below are 2 replays of me performing one of my comeback openers, the first shows the effectiveness of a comeback opener can have on other forms of openers, and the second displays most of the other things I have spoken about.

P.S: copy my opener and i shall not hesitate to leak out it's counters to the general public, I don't use it much anymore anyway - 4 turns is alot to remember for an opener.
Attached Files
1ballbuster.rpl (52.2 KB, 183 views)
1getover here.rpl (68.6 KB, 137 views)
Last edited by Nikelaos; Jun 24, 2009 at 07:46 PM.
Ass is a common ghetto suffix
Thanks for the addition Nike

*Note* Nike had my permission to make an addition, please do not do so without discussing with me*
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
aweseome guide hxc, the wist part was very helpfull.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
If you try to do a comeback and you don't get enough distance, I will look at what you could have maybe done with a glute or abs or neck (etc. etc.) to get the distance or speed needed.
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Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Turn 300 you veered left, I fixed it a bit for you, head on collision
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Jan 13, 2016 at 05:46 AM.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
the trick is the knee thats pointing to the opponent needs to be contracted a then relax the hip

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