Original Post
[IMG]New radiactive robot.

Yeah i have made alot of those This was made for the Gynx request.

Last edited by Ezeth; Jun 24, 2009 at 10:33 PM.
Yeah, the feets are probably going to get changed, and the hands are from the TMJ cooperation project that got trashed.
Ezeth, I'm chuffed it looks different than your other sets keep it up!

I really like the head and legs. 9/10
nice set ezeth

i like how managed to differeantiate this set from your other ones
and i love the high-detail style

my only complaint is that the hands and feet seem out of place :/

i've seen that request thread and looked at evry page and in my oppinion thas the best 10/10 the only thig that would make it fit gynxs request more is if it were more radio cause i see alot of marine

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i used the marine to make the wires and stuff inside to stand out from the rest, And it is actually radioactive + shadows. So it looks darker than radioactive but it still is.
The only thing radioactive about this set is the color :/ (I wish people could use regular names :"( *whine*)
No real glow effects, which would've helped to reduce the clutter, focusing attention on certain spots.
There isn't really much shading, and while the design is interesting, it is also very jumbled.

I'd say 7/10 since i'm pretty sure you put a lot of effort into this. There are just some important spots that were missing, that sorta brought the set down for me.
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