Original Post
InstaBoost USA
idk is this is a mistake or racism or on purpose or whatever but the instaboost thing doesnt have the USA on it can i call it long distance for one of the other countries?
T1cux: clan have eggs.
I see what you mean. There is not United States option when you click Instaboost in the beta.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
There are still a number of countries not supporting instaboost. I would not recommend calling long distance to another country to try to instaboost though. Your call to another country to get rerouted to instaboost will cost you way more than the instabooster will. Best solution is to either buy one of the montly boosters via another method, or wait until instaboosting is supported in more areas.


Originally Posted by nathandude View Post
idk is this is a mistake or racism

Being from the United States does not decide your race.... only your nationality.
ya well the US is like a way more well known country than almost all the countries on there.
T1cux: clan have eggs.
This thread draft off topic.

Closed to avoid the further misunderstandings.

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