Original Post
[Texture] project
i've been workin on this project for days now. im trying to make a texture for this head made a few days ago. i want to finish it by friday. so yeah, give comments about the head and advice for textures. thanks for your opinions

ok, i'll try to add more details to the back. thanks for the comments people. keep them coming.
EDIT: how about this
Last edited by cdeath; Jun 26, 2009 at 01:41 AM.
ok, so i'll add more details to the texture pieces. only part left i need to do is the hands. once i'm finished, i'll go back over it again to add details long have you been working on this? You said you started "days ago".
Are you making this into a full set? Or just a head?
Also, are you drawing each design by hand?

Right now, I'd flip the head so the back is displayed in the middle of the canvas, and fix the "Y" formed by the mirroring. It would make it look a bit better I think
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Yes I am making this into a full set.

I started the head on Sunday and finished it on Monday. but as you see in the first post, it's not that detail. then i started with thighs and legs Monday and finish them Tuesday but they only covered the front. the biceps and the triceps were finished Wednesday. the trails designs were finished today. the feet are done, but i still want to work on them. i'm currently working on the torso and breast.

the eyes and part of the front was done by hand. the back didn't have as much hand as the front. but the rest of the set has different designs that flow together except for the torso area. im still trying to work that out.

I will try your idea jak and doomer. thanks for your opinions.

EDIT: here the head with lowered eyes and a split back
EDIT 2: screen shot of trail.
Last edited by cdeath; Jun 26, 2009 at 09:47 AM.