Original Post
Easy beheading
Right, this is a very simple move that is possible with the demo that takes off opponent's head (and it used to take off their left arm, but I can't remember why... ) and gives at least 100,000 points. M'kay:

Demo/default setup

First off - select opponent by clicking him, then hit c.
Now click on yourself again and hit c.
Contract Pecs
Raise Shoulders

Space x3

Grabby hands
Lower Shoulders
Contract hips
Extend Ankles
Contract abs
Space x3 and you have his head.

You are then free to raise your shoulders and fling his head or whatever.

Enjoy .

Re: Easy beheading
Got me another beheading move. Inspired by the "body scizor".

Again, select opponent by clicking on him, then hit c.
Go back to your guy and hit c.
Extend glutes
Extend hips
Extend ankles
Extend abs

Space x7

Raise shoulders

Space x3

Contract knees

Space x2

He is beheaded, but you can then flip out by:

Contracting glutes
Contracting hips
Extending knees.

Do whatever from there.
Re: Easy beheading
Another way is as follows:

Hold all
Contract pecs
Raise Shoulders
lower shoulders
contract abs
extend abs
extend hips
grabby hands
extend wrists
contract knees
raise arms

Re: Easy beheading
the origonal (the one on the first post) is muuuuch better than anyothers here. more points.
lyh oui ihtancdyht drec?
ev oui lyh
Re: Easy beheading
This type of decap is so old many people post this exact technique or something very similar. If you want a classy decap try doing a load of dancing then spin rapidly towards the guy and kick off his head with a huge spinning kick. Now THAT'S unique.
Re: Easy beheading
haha sorry mate but i modded the first one ( well not really i done this by accident ) but after you have pressed c on your character and the opponent if you press space*1 then raise ur arms and bla de bla u end up beheading them and splitting there lower body away from there upper body hope you enjoy