Original Post
Well, sharing moves is not really good for your learning, but, for me, I usually improvise. Basically choose a side to attack from, and apply my rotation and arms/legs there.

EDIT: And oh, I noticed you double posted. Avoid doing so in the future, it might grant you an infraction. Be patient.
In nearly every mod, my first turn is a random combination of contact/rotate/bend/relax.
No holding or extending.

Then, when I see the move of my opponent, I try to hit him.
Works often. Really.

But you have to have already played toribash for a couple of weeks. Then you have a feeling of the movement.
DeviantArt (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Warning: Removal of the attached label is punishable by instant death.
Impro is my usual way to make stylish openers. Without impro, you'll never fully understand the value of having your own move.
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
what do u mean ranked? as in belts? just win matches :P

i usually have a very vague idea of what i want to start with, then i improv from there, depending on the type of match, i may go in for the direct kick/punch or spin with my legs fully relaxed
hello I'm spanish and i going to teach how to do my best technique:
1 in a normal game no judo no akido and more follow the instructions

2 instructions:

1- press c, raising left and right shoulders, contacting right and left pecs
2- x3 space
3- contracting right and left hips, lowering left and right shoulders
4- x2 space

3 final (optional)

1- press v
2- x2 space
3- extending right and left glutes, extending left and right hips,raising left and right
4- x7 space
5- press v
6- x1 space
7- lowering right and left shoulders

4 if you want more techniques comment please