Original Post
Texture Shop (low prices)
I don't do recolors, sorry.

Sorry there are only a few heads, but i am making sets for them and some trails too.

all heads are 500 TC

if you buy two heads at once, you get 100 TC off
if you buy three heads at once, you get 300 TC off
if you buy four heads at once, you get 500 TC off
and if you buy all of them at once, you get 900 off!!!

All sets are 4k each

to buy textures just tell me what you want, send me the money and your e-mail, then once i get it, i wil e-mail you the textures.

As of now 50% of all income will go to [Essence]
Last edited by superkake; Jul 26, 2009 at 06:03 AM.
Hey there, moved the shop to the arts and textures forum. All texture shops go there, keep that in mind. Thanks and good luck!
lead Sigma
hmmmm superkake i might bye the yellow set and blue set and red set for 12k depending
Last edited by tiger1111; Jul 24, 2009 at 09:03 PM.
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]
ill buy the yellow and blue set and res set for 12k
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]
sorry for double post but ill buy the blue set for 3k
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]