Original Post
parkermauney's Ultimate Sig Shop.
I decided to make a sig shop, some people tell me I'm good.

Here are some that I have done before:

To request sigs, I need:

1) A color or two
2) A theme or render
3) Any other specifications

Each sig will be at the most, 60 credits, but if it sucks, I may lower the price accordingly.

Sigs made so far:
Last edited by parkermauney; Jul 13, 2007 at 12:56 AM.
Ooh, nice sigs. I'll take one.
Colors: Red and black.
Theme: Sort of dark, I guess.
Other: Put "[Ark]DaMehMan" with "...the original Torso Boy." beneath it, in the font Twang LET Ultra-Light, if you have it, with the attached picture, just the torso, on the right.
Attached Images
TorsoBoySig.png (11.3 KB, 19 views)
Sig please
Image Size:500x200
Colours:Purple to Black
Text:The Wolves Haunt the forests..
Font Colour Red

EDIT: Kinda dark for the theme
Last edited by WolfReaperz; Apr 22, 2008 at 02:54 AM.
Maximum dimensions for sigs is 500x100 now, so that one's too big :O
EDIT: Seems I was wrong.. :P
That's a good thing though
Last edited by claxor; Jul 12, 2007 at 01:07 AM.
Originally Posted by parkermauney View Post
DaMehMan, here's yours:

Twang costs money, which I don't have, so that's the closest I could find.

Awesome, thanks. But I got Twang free. I use GIMP, maybe that's why. The text looks fricking awesome anyway.
Oh, I want one
Could you add some cool text saying "Claxor" (preferably white, with a border) where it looks good. Oh, and I don't want a new background, I want the image just like it is, but only use part of it, don't scale it too much though (unless it looks good )

I want the body of Uke lying in the lower corner visible, and Toris (well, it's Patrick's) head visible as well. But scale the image down as little as possible

I'll pay more than the measly 60 if it's good

And here's a smaller verision if that one is too big :
Last edited by claxor; Jul 12, 2007 at 01:20 AM.
@DaMehMan: Tell me if it works, it may be too big. I use gimp too, Twang isn't included default. At least not in 2.2.

@WolfReaperz: Here's yours

Apparently the max height is 100.
Purple to black, with red text looked ugly as hell, so I did gray instead.

@Claxor: I'll get to work.

EDIT: Kind of small, but it turned out OK.

I'll make it big in a second, hold on.

EDIT: Big version, if you want it.

Last edited by parkermauney; Jul 12, 2007 at 01:51 AM.