Original Post
[RENDER]Obstacle Course

A preview for my next animation.
This goblin dude is going to run an obstacle course.
Last edited by evets; Jul 16, 2009 at 07:59 PM.
Goblin dude looks like the professor from Futurama from the side :l
I lol'd at the first picture, even thought it makes no seennsseee.
He's about to jump from platform 2 to platform 3.
Platform 2: A Giant Masher
Platform 3: Random lava spikes that come out of the ground
Platform 4: A teeny wall
Platform 4-5: A tightrope
Platform 5: Stairs O_O
up to a laser that is locked on to your head, firing rapidly.
Put the beach ball into the trash can to turn off the laser and win the obstacle course.
Also, motion blur is win.
lol epicrandomness.

prog(s) and reason for this?
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
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Originally Posted by Mapleleaf View Post
Goblin dude looks like the professor from Futurama from the side :l
I lol'd at the first picture, even thought it makes no seennsseee.

Lol, I love the professor

I like it, and can't wait to see it
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