Original Post
Rap, Screamo, and Metal!
There are some things that should not be. Rap with Sreamo and Screamo is a disgrace to everything metal has worked for. Rap in general is pretty retarded except those people who actually have something to say. The worst bands that involve a screaming vocalist are

Avenged Sevenfold

Actually to narrow it down for you. Screamo is the worst kind of vocals amongst Shreiking, Shouting, Growling and Clean. Clean vocals come next because of the mainstreamism of it and how generic it all sounds coming from those bands trying to make it big.

Metalcore is the pansy of metal. It has the easiest riff structure, It contains too many breakdowns, screaming vocals, retards that look like emo's, inspired by Metallica (HOW?), The generic melodic riffs that anyone who has been playing guitar long enough to make riffs, and the make-up.

This rant is for all of the shitty shit going on in the music world. Those people should stop whatever they are doing and stop trying to "revolutionize" music and being original and just stop playing their instruments and for once I don't consider their vocals as instruments because it's sounds so god damn retarded. I want to kick the shit out of the Dali Lama.

On the other note.

Who likes Black Sabbath? I'm not talking about one song niether. I'm talking about Black Sabbath, Paranoid, and Master Of Reality. Tony Iommi was a genius of simple riffs.
People, take to note that Conjurer's post is purely unjustified opinion, and none of this is an actual "fact" or "truth". Take that into mind when discussing.

I'll start by demanding: Define "shitty music".

Also, yes, I do like Black Sabbath. Tony Iommi is, in my opinion, one of the most overrated guitarists in the world(can't deny his good quality, but he's not as good as people claim him to be, IMO). But Ozzy Osbourne is a heck of a frontman, their bassist is AMAZING, and so is their drummer.
Last edited by RedDevil; Jul 17, 2009 at 01:01 AM.
Well none of the other band members wrote anything until Iommi wrote. Also That is Why I said simple riffs because he is simple and not that great but he can make riffs. Most of what I said is fact as well.
Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post
Well none of the other band members wrote anything until Iommi wrote.

The fuck?

Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post
Most of what I said is fact as well.

Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
People, take to note that Conjurer's post is purely unjustified opinion, and none of this is an actual "fact" or "truth". Take that into mind when discussing.

I'll start by demanding: Define "shitty music".

Also, yes, I do like Black Sabbath. Tony Iommi is, in my opinion, one of the most overrated guitarists in the world(can't deny his good quality, but he's not as good as people claim him to be, IMO). But Ozzy Osbourne is a heck of a frontman, their bassist is AMAZING, and so is their drummer.

Mind elaborating on that, please?
Okay. In a bit. I'm playing some TOribash. What do you8 mean spore? They sat in a cellar and Iommi would play something then they would start playing. That's the birth of the song Paranoid. Done in like 15 minutes. It's just a filler and damn good one too.
[disclaimer] Ok, so this post contains total opinion which may be biased [/disclaimer]

You say avenged sevenfold ruined it for metal? I don't think they are metal or screamo, son you shouldn't even include them. They are a good band anyways, so unless you can provide proof with references I shall consider your post to be total biased opinion.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

Okay Shitty music consists of a few major components that make it shit inn the first place.

The over done riffs and the over use of the harmonic minor.
The annoying screaming vocals that just sound bad no matter how anyone does it.
The sudden clean vocals when everything is metal not like it wasn't good in the first place.
The genericness of all these bands.
They haven't been improving anythihg, but merely destroying it by adding effects to the vocalists voice and having some stupid beat under it.
The lyrics suck utters.
There is nothing new about these kind of bands
They are all a like in many, many, many, many, many ways.
At least Death Metal and Thrash Metal had some diversity in it.

Avenged Sevenfold is metal wether you like it or not. The riffs say it all.
My opinion is biased to the fucking max. As I said this is a rant.
Originally Posted by Conjurer View Post
The lyrics suck utters.


You're probably a huge disgrace to the maybe three intelligent serious metal fans that I've met.

~No flaming

Last edited by Guv_na; Jul 17, 2009 at 01:20 AM.