Original Post
+Texture's Stolen.
Well, this is warbanana.

And someone made a thread to sale my texture set. with out my permission. "bananawar"

Then the thread was deleted.

he made 15 USD apparently...hmmm.

lil help
he made 20 USD i think..

Also i think there is no way to get back the money =/

EDIT:SporeCc he can just make another acc and use his textures in case he wants to, or just sell them..
Umm... Yeah, really it shouldn't have happened. :s

There's nothing we can do about the money, and since it's been paid it'd be ridiculous to stop the guy from using them. Hell, even if we banned the sell it's not going to change the situation.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Can warbanana get one more chance back then?
Cause i really would like 20$$ and i got fucked in that catagory....
As per gman's decision, I've unbanned warbanana for a final chance.

However, the account has been stripped of everything but your textures, an imperial force, and 5k TC. I've also removed Market access from the account, and any attempt to access the Market via an alt will result in rebanning.

Furthermore, if we ever catch you farming again, you'll be permabanned, account completely stripped, and email/password changed so you can't ever access the account.

Am I understood?

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