Original Post
[WIP]The Black Inverfno
I have been working on this set for awhile, and considering its going to be my last set im going to spend alot of time on it.
what do you think so far?

It's Alright.

+Nice detail

-No color to show detail off more

so i give this set 6/10

it would be hard to see the set in a video.
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
There's a couple seams on the legs and torso area. I'd suggest fixing them before you sell it. It's pretty good, add those yellow dots and lighting effects.

Originally Posted by pika View Post
There's a couple seams on the legs and torso area.

i disagree. i see none. and anyway, there can only be one seam per body part. seeing as they mesh in one place...

i dunno, the set just doesnt... move me...
too much detail, for no apparent reason. detail for the sake of detail isnt always a good thing.
without flaming type eyes, i see no reference to "inferno" in the set. and by flaming eyes, i dont just mean changing the eyes to yellow/orange dots. they need a bit more substance.
detailed set with un detailed eyes, which when you add colour, would be pretty much the focal point of the set. doesnt quite sound right does it?
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