Original Post
[Auction]First i was like....but then i lol'd :D
HEYA! iam selling this set i made!

Startingbid: 1k

and btw, this is my first set,so dont wonder if it sux

*except the ground texture

Last edited by derbomber; Jul 27, 2009 at 12:48 PM.
hm, it looks like simple brushspam, hands and feet are green with an alpha channel. the 'drop shadow' doesnt make any sense at all and kinda destroys the flow of this set. also the head doesnt really fit the rest of the set.
all in all not worth more than 15k, look at the head.
i'd suggest the following:
start: 1k
raise: 500TC
autobuy: 15k

Then ull maybe find a customer.

But keep on practicing, ask some others to help u becoming better. Good luck with that auction.

Well your right like i said this is my first set and i had no idea how to make this...well i think 15k are a bit low..

btw: updated
bumping is allowed every 24 hours eh? *bump*

User has not read the rules very well. Infracted.
Last edited by derbomber; Jul 25, 2009 at 05:02 PM.
Haha your right,
That is an awesome floor decal.

Originally Posted by HoboJoey View Post
hm, it looks like simple brushspam, hands and feet are green with an alpha channel. the 'drop shadow' doesnt make any sense at all and kinda destroys the flow of this set. also the head doesnt really fit the rest of the set.
all in all not worth more than 15k, look at the head.
i'd suggest the following:
start: 1k
raise: 500TC
autobuy: 15k


Uhm, i'd have to disagree...
This is an actually decent set that is worth a little bit of cash.

I've seen terrible sets start at at least 3k and end with 15.
Sure, it's not super advanced or professional, but for a first set, it's good.
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Originally Posted by Casshern09 View Post
Haha your right,
That is an awesome floor decal.

Uhm, i'd have to disagree...
This is an actually decent set that is worth a little bit of cash.

I've seen terrible sets start at at least 3k and end with 15.
Sure, it's not super advanced or professional, but for a first set, it's good.

Thanx,i heared that alot of times^^