Original Post
[Auction]Abstract set [HAND DRAWN]
starting bid:1k
minimum raise:2k
autobuy: 15k

bid ends in 8 days

completely done by hand

texture trail are transparent



Last edited by coolboy302; Jul 28, 2009 at 02:26 AM.
Autobuy & Starting bid is way too high.

try the starting bid as the autobuy(45k) and the starting bid 5k. :/

Btw, 72hours isn't long enough for a decent auction.
<Malvado> Anybody home?
<Hamster> ONLY JESUS
It looks a little like copy paste for the rest of the textures, except the head.

So you only did 2 textures by hand.

well goodluck selling this.

I would buy If i didnt like my set.
i did a couple actually i only used the torso stuff the same

THANKS for posting now just to get a bid haha
Last edited by coolboy302; Jul 24, 2009 at 05:51 PM.
bidding cobra torso force sec grad and acid torso with 1k ^.^ and bumpmap right bicep texture
Last edited by kylan97; Jul 26, 2009 at 06:48 AM.
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;