Original Post
[AUC]Ninja-demon head.
Ok...Recolor is charge of 100 tc....Add name in back is free...

Starting Bid: 450 tc
minimum raise: 100 TC
autobuy: 6k

Look's better in game.
Price is way too high, it's just a few lines. :/

I suggest:

Starting bid:10tc
No Min raise

Sorry, but it's the truth.

Originally Posted by Cr4zyBoy View Post
Sorry for double post:http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=110375

Why did you post the link to another auction that has nothing to do with this auction?
Last edited by MalBot; Jul 24, 2009 at 11:31 PM.
<Malvado> Anybody home?
<Hamster> ONLY JESUS
thats a ninja demon ?

it looks like MS paint

want to be a texturer download gimp its worth it (<---help)
<Insert Cucumer here>
Originally Posted by Cr4zyBoy View Post
no...I add names in the back...

When someone buy's it will look better...

Why would text on the back make it look better?

Originally Posted by Cr4zyBoy View Post
That is gimp...OMG.

I suggest looking up some tutorials then.
<Malvado> Anybody home?
<Hamster> ONLY JESUS
i dont really like the way it looks
(>^-^)>(lick it) <.<(wtf?) *-*(uhh)*-*(lick wat?)
mess with the best die like the rest [pandora]