Original Post
I want these damn credits now!

It seems like nobody is listening.
So once again, I want my credits! I bought 10,000 of them but did not received them! I paid by phone.

This is my verification email I got from Onebip:

Transfer ID: 9058033
Date and Time: 19/07/2009 12:11 CEST
Amount: € 4.99 EUR
Description: Mobile phone transfer to Onebip

I want my toricredits now, that means today! I contacted skulfuk in order to receive them but I got just said:
' No worries ' ! I am sick and tired of waiting. This is the 9th day now. I want them now!
If nothing happens, maybe I'll tell some people about this who are interested in this damn support.

Sorry guys , but I am raged. -.-
Because this can't be real.!

- Zvijezda
Greetz ,
Sorry for the delay, but the only thing this thread will accomplish is annoying the moderators and you'll just end up getting your TC slower.

Don't make threads about this, one post in the sticky is enough.
Oi. The support admins are human too and pissing them off is one way to avoid getting help, among other things.

Flaming them is one good way to piss them off. I'm going to send you the credits, but stop yelling and demanding. Send us a a nice, calm, friendly PM, and we'll help as best we can. skulfuk probably just got swamped over.
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