Original Post
Head texture problems...
OK, well I'm currently testing out a head texture, but it doesn't seem to work. I made it exactly 128x128 pixels, saved it as head.tga in the custom folder under my name, but it won't show up... Help?!
Due to this new texture system you cant preview textures under your name.

Create a new custom folder and place the head there.
Make sure its not RLE compressed then /lp your test folder.

That should work.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Just to be sure, I re-saved my 128x128 texture with no RLE-compression, as a TarGA file under the name "head.tga".

I created a new custom folder called "test" and put the head file in there. Then, I opened free play in Toribash and used the command "/lp test". Tori changed from my colors into a default colored Tori, but his head stayed the same... anything else I might have missed?
Im assuming you want your force / lax and other colours to show too
if you want that to work properly
Move your item.dat from the custom folder under your name to the custom folder called test
Also you want to type /lp 0 test or /lp 1 test
0 changes uke, 1 changes tori
if you dont put a number it does nothing
I used "/lp 0 test" and "/lp 1 test", but both Uke and Tori got the default Tori head...

I don't really care about my other body part colors, I'm just testing the head texture. The problem is that it just won't show up. Everything else changes, but the head I put in there won't show.
Last edited by Gatleos; Aug 17, 2009 at 11:43 PM.
Er... I know. That's what it IS named. It's in the test folder. It's 128x128, not RLE-compressed, and a TarGa (.tga) file. But when I test it, it won't show up. The head texture just goes to the default head instead of the one I put in the folder.
Originally Posted by Gatleos View Post
Er... I know. That's what it IS named. It's in the test folder. It's 128x128, not RLE-compressed, and a TarGa (.tga) file. But when I test it, it won't show up. The head texture just goes to the default head instead of the one I put in the folder.

try this.
put your head image in uke folder. rename the uke head for back up.
Alright, I put my head file in the Uke folder, and when I loaded Toribash, Uke had Tori's head. So now I must assume it has something to do with the head file itself.

So, where exactly CAN I upload my head file to the site from?