Original Post
Demo player faking a clan.
Drakhir alerted me to the fact that there was a guy called "xozet" (without the quotes) in the server Demo Classic today faking being of the clan Torigod. I entered the server and saw him.
The screenshot is attached, I made an arrow pointing to his name as well (made the arrow in 5 seconds...)

After we saying to take the clan tag off (he never did while on the server) and saying we we're going to post a screenshot, he left the server.
Right after he left a guy called "zoxveti" entered the server. He had no tag on, but because of the names and way he talked we think it might be the same.

Also I'm not sure if this belongs here or in clan talk, but I though here would be more apropriate. If any mod/admin think this belongs to Clan Talk or somewhere else, please move it.
Last edited by Andrecova; Apr 17, 2008 at 11:11 PM.
(15:43) <Drakhir> Zaarock: everything is useless.
(15:43) <Blam> Drakhir: Including your penis
Yep, a fake. I saw it when I was searching for a server with good players.
I also took a screenshot. [Attached]
Attached Images
FAKE.jpg (17.2 KB, 64 views)
It's not a big deal is it? It is just some n00b screwing around in the Demo servers. Also The "T" in Torigod was not capitalized so that is immediately suspicious to anyone who has actually played a real Torigod. Also I am sure his skill level was not even close to the real "Gods." And lastly if the TG cared they would do something or post something themselves and as they have not then it shouldn't be a problem. Right?
I r Batdude.
I agree with Isha. It's obvious that the person wasn't in Torigod, and it doesn't do anything apart from piss people off a bit. Other than that it's just a spiteful arse trying to be cool.
I think it's just pathetic. I talked to him for a bit before it got "hyped" so to speak (before the server was filled with people that is), and, well, he couldn't speak english, he's not even regged, and it's just too obvious he's not a Torigod. So, what's the big deal? Let the bullied 11 year old have his fun online.
meh...we just haven't noticed because i don't think any of us ever go on the demo servers. however, should i see him, i will rip him so many new ones he will look like %#$&ing swiss cheese.

<Ownzilas> Alright
<Ownzilas> 3'2 then
<Ownzilas> Half PID's dick.

We'd probably only allow clan leaders to set the clans of the players, and disallow the use of '[' and ']'