Original Post
Girtastic's Recoloring Shoppe

Hello and welcome to my shop, I hope you have a great time.

Have you changed color schemes lately? Had a texture set that just didn't look right with your character? Worry no more! For a very small price I will recolor and edit your old head or textures and you'll be the new envy of every Tori that sees you.

Individual Textures: 150tc

Simple heads: 200tc

Advanced Heads: 400tc

Texture sets: 1250tc

I will only count individual textures if it is less than 5, more than that and you must pay the full texture set price.


I will not sell the heads/textures that I edit to anyone except the person who gave them to me to edit, nor will I use the heads/textures on Toribash except for action screen-shots to show you what it looks like in game.