Original Post
setting distance
ok, yea, i have used searched, could not find it. i have a registered version, and i did everything. how do you set the distance, isnt it supposed to be in the options? i go there, and there is nothing there. just the serial key, like mouse, fullscreen, and some other stuff. no, i did not use a keygen, i bought it, its a great game, super fun. but i am having those problems
yea, i read the game rules, and it said how to use the options in the setup screen, but the problem is that the options are not there. it does not have any distance options in the setup screen. its registered, i did not use a keygen, but the things are not there
I meant ingame... this thing doesn't have 0pt font... D:

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The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!