Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
First loves
Who was the first woman/man/sheep (kitfox) you fell in love with? Embarrassingly enough mine was Noodle from gorillaz. You gotta admit, she's sexy for a cartoon.
First loves are a bit too hard for me to discuss right now.
Mine, destroyed me in every way.
She cheated on me, kissed other guys then broke up with me after she kissed them.
And talked alot of bad things behind my back when the only thing I showed her... Was pure love.
And for doing so,
im an idiot.
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
I haven't had the privilege as of yet.

I didn't mean love lives... I ment you know crushes and shit. I would think it would be hard to have sex with a cartoon charactor anyway.
My first love was was a real person, and we ended up breaking up after six months lol but surprisingly i got over her in less than a day ;)
Originally Posted by jhucks2235 View Post
My first love was was a real person, and we ended up breaking up after six months lol but surprisingly i got over her in less than a day ;)

eh same thing happened to me :P
The major from GIS <333333
I find my rl loves are a bit too personal to openly disclose on an internet forum ;)
Founder of raku

None of you have been in love IRL, you just think you have. I went through the same shit when I was a little younger. Most people do.

I can't think of my first one, I'm pretty into Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) at the moment, I mean her voice is awesome.
Admittedly, i have yet to fall in love (as in, love love, not "zomg i luv this shit") with anyone or anything. >.>
Of course i love my family and whatnot, but that's platonic love.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by jaatb1143 View Post
I didn't mean love lives... I ment you know crushes and shit. I would think it would be hard to have sex with a cartoon charactor anyway.

Well, there was this girl called Hannah (won't say last name) and in grade 6 I used to heaps like her.
But she was way out of my league back then.
Now she's the shittest person ever, in personality.

Her looks though: You would fuck her if she asked.